Lightweight logger for nodejs application
Logs are serialized as JSON objects
Possibility to extend log object with custom properties via injection
npm install lightweight-logger
const lib = require("lightweight-logger");
// extend log object with given field
logExtensionFunc: (log, data) => {
log["correlationId"] = data.correlationId;
return log;
consoleLoggerOptions: {
// Use console logger
useConsoleLogger: true
fileLoggerOptions: {
// Use file logger. New log file per hour is created automatically
useFileLogger: true,
// Write to given path (path must exist!)
logPath: "C:/Log"
const logger = lib.createLogger({correlationId: "xyz"});
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++)
logger.e({message: "log message", data: {foo: "bar"}}, new Error("error message"));
* Output: C:/Log/2018_6_10_6.log
* {"message":"0","timeStamp":"2018-06-10T06:30:45.548Z","severity":"Info","correlationId":"xyz"}
* {"message":"1","timeStamp":"2018-06-10T06:30:45.548Z","severity":"Info","correlationId":"xyz"}
* {"message":"log message","data":{"foo":"bar"},"timeStamp":"2018-06-10T06:30:45.548Z","severity":"Error","error":{"stack":"<intentionally removed>","message":"error message"},"correlationId":"xyz"}
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