The mildly useful project nobody asked for! Configuration program for i3lock-color
wget 2>/dev/null;bash install.bash;rm install.bash
It can also be run directly if downloaded from github if the file structure is kept the same.
Simply run the install one-liner again, it will automatically detect the install and ask if you want to remove it. Or if you want to manually uninstall:
rm -rv ~/.local/share/i3lcc \
~/.local/share/applications/i3lcc.desktop \
~/.local/share/icons/locolor/scalable/apps/i3lcc.svg \
~/.local/bin/i3lcc \
~/.config/i3lcc # (if you want to remove your configuration as well)
This is in very early development, I highly recommend launching from a terminal so Python error messages can be read
pyqt5 python3 imagemagick i3lock-color libnotify-bin
- Detect whether i3lock-color and imagemagick are on the system, display an error message if not found
- Add more background screenshot filters using imagemagick (blur)
- Find and squash bugs
- Tweak and purdify code (especially getting rid of old, deprecated code)
- Create AUR and DEB packages (and maybe Flatpak? Fuck Snap.)
- Add support for more image formats using imagemagick