By: Mahdi Hajiaghayi, Ehsan Vahedi Date : April 2018
this is the implementation of our work on crash prediction and extraction based on LSTM network it consists of three main modules.
- seqdb_lstm_train: it trains a network based on the given sequential data. the format of the input data is described below
- seqdb_lstm_test: for given sequence or input data, it predicts whether crash (1) occurs or not (0)
- seqdb_lstm_extract: using the network trained in step 1, it extracts the crash contributors and blockers and save the aggregation results in csv file and also return an html that has highlighted contributors and blockers in the given file.
The requirement packages are listed in requirement.txt. it's recommended to use Anaconda
In order to train a network for your input data, you first need to specify the path of your data in _init_global_vars_train. The input data must have three columns at least: id, sequence, output. For more information please look at data/test_action.txt. In this file, we have one extra column as well that was supposed to specify the platform. this file is processed by database/ class. Hence, by modifying this file you can have more columns.
As the optimal hyper parameters might be different file inputs, we have included another file called that basically optimizes the hyper parameters and then you can use them in the
You can start training by
the outputs of the training is stored in /model. For extraction, you need to specify the postfix of the model file in the and just run the