This is a full-stack practical Netflix Clone using Next.js latest features bootstrapped with create-next-app
Explore the demo for better understanding'.
- TSX, Tailwindcss,
- TypeScript
- Nextjs v13.4.1
- Main Packages: mongodb, mongoose, next-auth, prisma ,redux-toolkit, react-reudux, jest
- Secondary Packages: react-icons, bcrypt
- Routing: useing new app directory
- Environment, Typescript, NextJS Setup
- MongoDB & Prisma connect, Database creation
- Authentication using NextAuth, (Google, Github & Credentials)
- Full responsiveness on all devices
- API creation
- Detail-oriented effects and animations using TailwindCSS
- Server-side data fetching
- Redux state management for managing modal state
- Jest & RTL test
Create .env.local from '.env.example' file and declare the project environment variables
Starting a development instance of the app
npm install
npx prisma generat
npx prisma db push
npm run dev
npm run test
npm run coverage
npm run vercel-build