This is the repo for the talk Ruby Libraries Important for Rails from RailsConf 2013.
Here are some important Ruby libraries for Rails (links are to the Ruby 2.0 docs, but the results are virtually the same for Ruby 1.9.3):
The details of the workshop depend on your background.
I suggest that beginning students pick a class or module to learn and then use irb to work through the documentation examples. Post questions to the RailsConf tutorial chat room.
If you are comfortable with writing tests, I recommend that you clone the ruby-libraries
Git repository and use the sample spec file to write documentation of your own.
First, clone the repo:
git clone
Put your GitHub username in the RailsConf tutorial chat room and I'll add you as a collaborator on the repo so that you can push to it.
Next, pick a class or module to learn and make a spec for it (prefixing it with your username to avoid clashes):
cp spec/sample_spec.rb spec/<username>_<class or module>_spec.rb
Follow the model from the sample spec to help you get started.
When you have changes you want to share, add the file and push it up:
git add spec/
git commit -am "Add tests for <class or module>"
git push
If you want, post a link to the commit in the RailsConf tutorial chat room so that I can pull your changes and run the resulting tests.