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Update Preview Branch #49

Update Preview Branch

Update Preview Branch #49

name: Update Preview Branch
# Daily at 04:00 AM UTC (this corresponds to the time set in CTestConfig.cmake + 1 hour)
# This workflow is synchronized with the nightly builds on the Kitware-hosted dashboards,
# which are configured via crontab to trigger daily at 11:00 PM Eastern Time (ET). The conversion
# from ET to UTC depends on whether daylight saving time is in effect:
# - During the spring/summer months (typically March to November), Eastern Daylight Time (EDT),
# which is UTC-04:00, is observed. Thus, 11:00 PM EDT corresponds to 03:00 AM UTC.
# - During the autumn/winter months (typically November to March), Eastern Standard Time (EST),
# which is UTC-05:00, is observed. Thus, 11:00 PM EST corresponds to 04:00 AM UTC.
# The build jobs are configured to start via the crontab on the Kitware-hosted dashboards at
# 11:00 PM ET, and this workflow is scheduled to run daily at 04:00 AM UTC to ensure it executes
# after the nightly builds have started and completed their source checkout, regardless of daylight
# saving time.
# This is important because the preview branch should be updated to reflect the state of the
# repository as of the latest nightly build.
- cron: "0 4 * * *"
# Manual trigger
contents: read
# Needed in publish step to update the preview branch
contents: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/create-github-app-token@5d869da34e18e7287c1daad50e0b8ea0f506ce69 # v1.11.0
id: app-token
app-id: ${{ vars.SLICER_APP_ID }}
private-key: ${{ secrets.SLICER_APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4.2.2
ref: main
token: ${{ }}
# The 'fetch-depth' option ensures that a sufficient number of commits are retrieved (250)
# to allow the "git rev-parse" command used below to accurately reference a commit based
# on time.
# This mitigates potential warnings that occur when there aren't enough commits fetched.
# We assume no more than 250 commits are made in a single day.
fetch-depth: 250
- name: Install time zone and daylight-saving time data
run: |
sudo apt-get -y install tzdata
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
- name: "Compute last preview build date"
id: preview
run: |
# Get the current hour in 24-hour format
current_hour=$(date +%H)
# Check if the current time is before or after 11 PM
if [ "$current_hour" -lt 23 ]; then
# If before 11 PM, return the date of the previous day
date=$(TZ=":US/Eastern" date -d "yesterday" +"%Y-%m-%d")
# If it's 11 PM or later, return today's date
date=$(TZ=":US/Eastern" date +"%Y-%m-%d")
echo $date
echo "date=$date" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: "Convert dashboard start time from ET to UTC"
id: convert
run: |
time=$(TZ=":US/Eastern" date -d"$DATE 23:00:00" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")
echo "time [$time]"
echo "time=$time" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
DATE: ${{ }}
- name: "Retrieve preview branch SHA"
id: retrieve
run: |
sha=$(TZ=":US/Eastern" git rev-list -1 --before="${TIME}" main)
echo "sha [$sha]"
echo "sha=$sha" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
TIME: ${{ steps.convert.outputs.time }}
- name: "Publish"
run: |
if [ -z "$SHA" ]; then
echo "::error ::Failed to retrieve SHA"
exit 1
git push origin $SHA:refs/heads/${PREVIEW_BRANCH}
SHA: ${{ steps.retrieve.outputs.sha }}
PREVIEW_BRANCH: nightly-main