This script plots the sgRNA ranks vs. their read fractions. It also calculates and displays the AUC
Author: Mudra Hegde
Required packages
- pandas <= 0.16.2
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scikit-learn
- Input file: .txt file with raw read counts; First and second columns may have perturbation sequence and perturbation ID. Raw read counts should be in Column 3 and after
- Threshold: Fraction of cumulative reads threshold; Default: 0.9, Allowed range: 0.0-1.0
- Output folder: Folder name for output files storage
To run this script, type the following on the terminal: python --input-file <Path to input file> --thr <Threshold> --outputfolder <Outputfolder name>
Version: 1.0
Required packages
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scikit-learn
- Input file: .txt file with raw read counts.
- Column: Column number of column with read counts to be plotted.
- Title: Title for final plot.
- Output file
To run this script, type the following on the terminal: python --input-file <Path to input file> --column <Column number> --title <Plot title> --outputfile <Path to outputfile>