Template for integrating Kafka and RabbitMQ messaging brokers in a complete streaming pipeline which passes the stream through an inference model then stores the predictions in a database.
The system comprises the following components
1- Unified API that produces messages to kafka and RabbitMQ to manage the stream, with a producer and consumer on top of them.
2- Model server which recieves the image and returns the prediction.
3- Psotgresql data base to store stream output connected to pgadmin to manage the database server.
The producer api is asynchronous to ensure the robustness of the system.
The data attached is minimal to keep the file structure, all records can be found via https://www.kaggle.com/zalando-research/fashionmnist
model training folder contains the training script. upon training, log file is created with all the training details registered.
1- Clone the repo.
2- Install the dependencies in the requirements.txt file.
3- Run run.sh file, now you have producer api up and running on port 5005 and model server on 5000.
4- Replace the demo test set in model_train/Data folder.
5- In a separate console, run python fire_and_ack.py to start streaming.
- Reform the system to be completely deployable via docker-swarm and kubernetes, which improves the scalabiltity and the performance of the system.