Maybe you were looking for another Nord Beamer theme?
By default, theme will be displayed using dark mode; however, this can easily be toggled to the light version of the theme by providing an option to the \usetheme{sthlmnord}
% > > > Choose Theme
By default, source code printing is done using the listings package. The reason is that it will be easier to style the code using in the future.
However, if you would like to use the minted package styled with nord, then just pass the codeminted
option to the documentclass command. While minted should work out of the box, this theme includes the custom nord color palette, that needs to be installed (see github repository for instructions).
If you do not want to install the pygements nord color theme, you can choose one of the installed themes by changing the beamerthemesthlmnord.sty file
% > > > Nord style Requires custom install:
\usemintedstyle{nord} <====== Change to a default style
- initial support
- breaking change! The codehl option has been renamed to codeminted. The Listings pkg will now be the default code printer; however, if you would like to use the minted pkg, then you can provide the codeminted option to the documentclass options.
- moving towards support for use with
- removed document class boolean option
to toggle between enumerated lists using (arabic, arabic) and (alpha, roman), (default: alpha, roman) - removed enumitem pgk as it does not play nicely with Beamer
- updated styles for list environments
- enough decimal places to start rounding pi
- added document class boolean option
to make bibliography optional (default: false) - simplified title page commands
- added release notes
- updating readme file
- added working dark theme such that it works with light theme
- created demo *.tex files for both the light and dark theme (slides included in /0-slides directory)
- included subfiles package into the theme
- simplified cover page image
- added document class boolean option
to include code highlighted blocks powered by the minted package and themed using nord pygments, (default: false) - added document class boolean option
to toggle between enumerated lists using (arabic, arabic) and (alpha, roman), (default: alpha, roman) - added custom color commands for both text and highlighted text
- new title page inspired from
- breaking change! mhomath.sty renamed to mhomacros.sty
- added example and theorem slides styled using awesomefont5 package
- references now working
- color theme now NORD inspired
- now complied using XeLaTeX as font changed to Libertinus using the libertinus-otf package
- moving towards a light and dark mode version of the deck