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Setting Up a Local Environment on Linux (Apache)

czmj edited this page Aug 20, 2017 · 4 revisions
  • Install LAMP (if not already done)
  • Install Postgres according to your package manager or from source
  • Make sure the PHP plugin for postgresql is installed using # apt-get install php5-pgsql or the equivalent for your package manager
  • Execute the following commands in psql interactive shell...
CREATE USER wordpress WITH PASSWORD 'wordpress';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE wordpress to wordpress;
  • In your Apache config, add a SetEnv directive like SetEnv DATABASE_URL postgres://wordpress:wordpress@localhost:5432/wordpress
  • Change the first line of your wp-config.php to use $_SERVER["DATABASE_URL"] if DATABASE_URL not found in $_ENV:
if (isset($_ENV["DATABASE_URL"]))
  $db = parse_url($_ENV["DATABASE_URL"]);
  $db = parse_url($_SERVER["DATABASE_URL"]);

  • (Re)start Apache, and open http://localhost/wp-admin in a browser.

  • For people new to Apache and want to avoid doing a lot of poking around in Apache's configs, create a sh script that looks like the following in your git repo:

#! /bin/sh
cp -r * /var/www
chmod a+rwx -R /var/www

This will copy all of the files to the default web directory and add the correct permissions to the files. Make sure to run the script with sudo.

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