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Codewind Installer

Install Codewind on MacOS or Windows.


Downloading the release binary for MacOS

  1. Download the release binary file to a folder on your system.
  2. Use the cd command to go to the location of the downloaded file in the Terminal window.
  3. If the binary file has the extension .dms, remove the extension so that the file is named mac-installer.
  4. Enter the chmod 775 installer command to give yourself access rights to run the binary file on your system.
  5. If you already have a codewind-workspace with your projects in it, copy it into your /Users/<username> home directory. If you do not already have a workspace, the installer creates an empty workspace for you in this directory.
  6. Type ./mac-installer in the Terminal window with the exported environment variables to run the installer.
  7. To run a command, enter ./mac-installer <command>.

Downloading the release binary for Windows

  1. Download the release binary file to a folder on your system.
  2. Use the cd command to go to the location of the downloaded file in the command prompt.
  3. Ensure that the binary file has an .exe extension. If it doesn't, add the extension to the file name.
  4. If you already have a codewind-workspace with your projects in it, copy it into your C:\ directory. If you do not already have a workspace, the installer creates an empty one for you in this directory.
  5. To get started and see the commands available, type the .\win-installer.exe command in the command prompt with the exported environment variables.
  6. To run a command, enter .\win-installer.exe <command>.

Build and deploying locally on MacOS

  1. Ensure that you have a Go environment set up. If you don't yet have a Go environment, see Install Go for NATS.
  2. If you have Brew, use the following commands to install dep for MacOS:
$ brew install dep
$ brew upgrade dep
  1. Clone the git clone repo.
  2. Use the cd command to go into the project directory and install the vendor packages with the dep ensure -v command.
  3. Build the binary and give it a name with the go build -o <binary-name> command. To build a binary without the debug symbols use the command go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o <binary-name>.
  4. Copy your Codewind workspace into your /Users/<username> home directory.
  5. Type ./<binary-name> in the Terminal window with the exported environment varibles to run the installer.
  6. To run a command, enter ./<binary-name> <command>.

Creating a cross-platform binary

  1. Use the go tool dist list command to get a list of the possible GOOS/ARCH combinations available to build.
  2. Choose the GOOS/ARCH that you want to build for and then enter GOOS=<OS> GOARCH=<ARCH> go build to create the binary. To build a binary without the debug symbols use the command GOOS=<OS> GOARCH=<ARCH> go build -ldflags="-s -w".

Unit testing

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Use the cd command to go to the test directory. The utils.go tests are located in the utils/utils_test.go file.
  3. To run the tests, type the go test -v command in the terminal window and wait for the tests to finish.
  4. For any other unit tests, the same steps apply, but the directory might change.


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  1. Submitting issues
  2. Contributing









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  • Go 94.2%
  • Shell 5.8%