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michael-erasmus edited this page Aug 16, 2010 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the specr wiki!

Here is some quick examples of what you can do with specr.

Let’s say you have a class that you want to write some specifications for(Not really behavior-driven, I know, but bear with me, it’s only for illustration purposes):

public enum Gender {Male; Female;}
public class Person
    public string Name{get;set;}
    public bool IsOrphan{get;set;}
    public Person Father{get;set;}
    public Person Mother{get;set;}
    public Gender Sex{get;set;}
    public List<Person> Children{get;private set};  

    public Person HaveAChild(string name)
         if(Children == null)
               Children = new List<Person>();

        var child = new Person{Name = name};
        return child;

Now lets write some specs:

public class DescribePerson
    private Person person;
    public void Before()
        person = new Person(){ IsOrphan =true, Sex = Gender.Male};              

     public void He_Should_Be_A_Nameless_Orphan()

     public He_Should_Be_Able_To_Have_Children()
          var child = person.HaveAChild("Johnny");
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