Petsy* (an Etsy clone) is a marketplace for pets and their owners, or those looking to add another member to their family! Petsy also offers items for all your pet needs. You can create an account and browse the different items the site has to offer, and even checkout! (Don't worry, checking out with items in your cart will only pretend to send those items your way. You will not be charged. But you also won't get a new pet or any of our cool items... )
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To start using the app, create an account here by clicking on Sign up in the top right of your screen.
Alternatively, head over here and click Login in the top right of your screen. Inside the modal, click the Demo login button to login as a demo user without creating an account. Or login with your credentials if you have an account.
You can browse the site, which is currently broken down into two categories of products, Pets and Items, through the navbar at the top of the page. In the body of the page you will see the products listed. If you are logged in you will see an add to cart button associated with each product, otherwise you will only see the description and price of that item, as well as the average star rating. You can click on a product to get a more detailed view of each product.
You can view your cart if you are logged in to the site. You can get there by clicking on the cart icon in the top right of the screen. You can add items from the site to your cart that you are interested in purchasing. If you come back later those items will still be there. This way you can keep track of items you may be interested in purchasing and purchase them later down the line. You can see your carts' total price as well as the products currently in your cart. Next to your cart contents you can click on checkout to get a confirmation screen letting you know your items are ordered and on the way. Don't worry! This is only to bring an end to the customer journey as this is just a mock e-commerce site.
If you are logged in, you can add comments or reviews to products on Petsy! Navigate to an item by clicking on its image from the main page or by using the search feature at the top of the screen to find a particular item by name. Once in the detailed view of an item scroll down to reviews. Here, you can type into a text area and add a comment with your thoughts on the current item, or if you've purchased it, leave a review and let others know how your experience with it by rating it between 1 and 5 stars!
Please browse the wiki to see the beginning of Petsy from design to wireframing of each feature.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
- othneildrew/best-README-template
- better-react-spinkit
- react-promise-tracker
*No animals were harmed in the making of this site.