Live/Archived stream: "Dynamic SignalStore Features with Conditional Types"
🚀 Dynamic SignalStore CRUD: Built for Flexibility
Ever needed a CRUD system that adapts to different use cases?
We’ll show you how to build a SignalStore feature that allows
users to dynamically toggle features and adjust types accordingly.
✔ Live coding & hands-on problem-solving
✔ Strong typing vs. flexibility in TypeScript
✔ Designing a SignalStore extension that adapts to user configurations
This project was generated using Angular CLI version 19.1.0.
You can run the repo in Stackblitz automatically if you want with the button at the top. But if you want to run it locally:
To start a local development server, run:
ng serve
Once the server is running, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload whenever you modify any of the source files.
Yes, there are tests! At least for the basic store, at the time of this copy I need to make tests for the mapping version.
To execute unit tests with the Karma test runner, use the following command:
ng test