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manger-http - cache feeds

manger-http implements an HTTP/1.1 API for caching RSS feeds.



An exemplary response header of this API.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: max-age=86400
Content-Length: 28502
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Surrogate-Control: max-age=86400
Backend-Latency: 25.19
ETag: "6f56-4rMTzq5+UvI8vHbtRxfpEHr60mc"
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 15:01:45 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

All routes respond with JSON payloads and offer gzip encoding. The server supports If-None-Match conditional requests and HEAD requests. All responses contain ETag headers. If internal latency exceeds 20 milliseconds, a Backend-Latency header is added.

If there is no response payload you get:

  "ok": true

Errors are JSON too, for example:

  "error": "not found",
  "reason": "/x is no route"



undefined | null


An optional string.

String() | void()


Meta information about a feed.

  • author str()
  • copyright str()
  • feed str()
  • id str()
  • image str()
  • language str()
  • link str()
  • payment str()
  • subtitle str()
  • summary str()
  • title str()
  • ttl str()
  • updated str()


A related resource of an entry().

  • href str()
  • length str()
  • type str()


An individual entry.

  • author str()
  • enclosure enclosure() | void()
  • duration str()
  • feed str()
  • id str()
  • image str()
  • link str()
  • subtitle str()
  • summary str()
  • title str()
  • updated str()


Anything Date() can parse.


A query to fetch a feed or entries of a feed limited by a time range.

  • url String() The URL of the feed
  • since date() The date of the oldest entry you want


An Array() of query() objects.


The version of the API



  • name The name of the server
  • version The version of the API (the package version)

Retrieving and deleting feeds

A single feed

GET /feed/:uri
  • :uri The url-encoded URL of the feed

The response is an Array() containing the requested feed() or an empty Array() if the feed could not be found.

Removing feeds from the cache

DELETE /feed/:uri
  • :uri The url-encoded URL of the feed

The response is a confirmation:

  • ok Boolean()
  • id String() The URL of the feed


  • error String() The error message
  • reason String() The reason for the error

Listing all cached feeds

GET /feeds

An Array containing the URLs of all feeds in the cache.

To count the feeds in the store, you could do something like:

curl -s localhost:8384/feeds | json -ga | wc -l

Selecting feeds

POST /feeds

Where the message body has to be queries(). Note that time ranges (defined by since) are ignored here.

The response is an Array() of feed() objects.

Retrieving entries

All entries of a specific feed

GET /entries/:uri
  • :uri The url-encoded URL of the feed

Responds with an Array() of entry() objects or an empty Array(). These GET APIs are to facilitate caching, thus they don’t allow for time ranged requests, which would just belittle chances of hitting the cache.

Selected entries of any feed

/POST entries

As in /POST feeds, the message body has to be queries(), in this case though, time ranges filter entries.

The response is an Array() of entry() objects.

Updating the cache

Updating all feeds

/PUT feeds

Update all feeds in the store in ranked order—thus the rank index gets refreshed first. All this IO can make this operation run significantly long. To keep track of these, there is an info level log when it completes.

The immediate response is a 202 Accepted with { "ok": true }.

All feed URLs in ranked order

/GET ranks

An Array() with all feed URLs in the cache ordered by number of requests.

For the top-ten you could do:

curl -s localhost:8384/ranks | json -ga | head

Updating ranks

Request counts are not updated live, but are kept in memory. This operation flushes these changes and updates the rank index.

/PUT ranks

Resetting ranks

Reset ranks by deleting the rank index.

/DELETE ranks


Of course, there are some unit tests.

$ npm t

You can start the server with npm.

$ npm start

And start tackling it with curl.

$ curl -v localhost:8384/feed/

In ./tools/load, you find a little Erlang/OTP app for putting some load on the server. It’s based on mob and is good for smoke testing after changes were applied to the system.

$ PORT=8080 erl -pa ebin deps/*/ebin
1> load:start().
2> load:hit(5).

This would hit the server with random requests on five connections. Adjust log levels or run with NODE_DEBUG=manger-http node start.js to see what’s going on.


After installing our dependencies with:

$ npm i

We can run the server locally on port 8384 with:

$ npm start


MIT License


Caching podcast feed proxy







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