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Releases: michaelu123/rvpOutput

ADFC Tourenportal formatieren v1.7, 07.11.2024

07 Nov 09:27
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In Xml-Files handle CTourDifficulty and CAdjustedTourDifficulty

added tourspeed and difficultys

03 Nov 19:46
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${tourspeed} outputs ctourspeedkmh, if given, else ctourspeed
${difficultys} just prints between 0 and 5 stars, depending on ctourdifficulty

ADFC RVP ausgeben

14 May 17:52
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ADFC RVP ausgeben

14 May 08:04
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Fixed a bug in datetime.fmt

ADFC RVP ausgeben

12 May 10:38
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Handle changed difficulties (cAdjustedTourDifficulty)
Fix difficulties: 0-1.3: sehr einfach, 1.4-2.3:einfach, 2.4-3.0:mittel,3.1-3.9:schwer,4.0-5.9:sehr schwer

ADFC RVP ausgeben

19 Jan 06:52
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Some effort to handle events without time

ADFC RVP ausgeben

06 Dec 11:23
Choose a tag to compare

Aus dem repository ADFC2 entstanden, enthaltend den aktuellen Stand dieses Programms, jetzt rvpOutput genannt.