A simple Tic-tac-toe app built with Angular
- Player vs Computer
- Player (X) will begin, followed by Computer (Y)
- Computer's move will not be intelligent
- Game ends when a winner has been determined by completing three in a row, or, when a draw has resulted by having no spaces remain and no winner
- Will fulfill the rules above for a functioning game adhering to the minimum requirements
- For the algorithm determining a winner, iterate through all possibilities checking for a three in a row
Not required features, but nice to have.
- Choice of Player or Computer beginning
- Choice of randomly determining who begins
- Intelligence to the Computer's play
- Optimize algorithm checking for winner
- Option of two players
- While traditionally 3x3, the logic should be able to accomodate any grid of N
- Version 2's algorith should be able to support something similar like Connect 4