Auto test runner that monitor files and run tests whenever they are changed
I am just lazy and like to start tests asap whenever I change code to verify instantaneously if what I am doing makes sense.
Support for more types of files and test runners so that if I change python a python test runner starts etc.
- very basic and not optimized
- only
supported at the moment - watches all the files - even
file changes
Run rgt
in your main folder to watch all the files in sub folders
rgt start
--test-runner string Specifies which go test runner to use. (default "go", supports gotestsum)
--sub-folder-only If set true will run only tests from the folder the file that is changed in.
--type string Specifiec which type of test to start : [golang, python]
It was tested on linux
Download binary from github releases and unpack it to your PATH
Using Go Get
go install