In this repository, you can train models for the xView2 challenge to create an accurate and efficient model for building localization and damage assessment based on satellite imagery. For building localization, predicted pixel values must be either 0 (no building) or 1 (building), whereas for building damage classification: 1 (undamaged building), 2 (minor damaged building), 3 (major damaged building), 4 (destroyed building)
The following options can be used to train U-Net models:
- U-Net encoders:
- Loss functions:
- Dice
- Focal
- Online Hard Example Mining
- CORAL (for damage assessment task only)
- Cross Entropy
- Mean Square Error (for damage assessment task only)
- U-Net variants for damage assessment:
- Siamese - share weights for pre and post disaster images; two variants - with shared encoder only or encoder and decoder
- Fused - use two U-Nets with fused blocks to aggregate context from pre and post disaster images; two variants - with fused encoder only or encoder and decoder
- Parallel - use two U-Nets for pre and post images separately; two variants - with parallel encoder only or encoder and decoder
- Concatenated - use 6-channel input i.e. concatenation of pre and post images
- Deep Supervision
- Attention
- Pyramid Parsing Module
- Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Module
- Test time augmentation
- Supported optimizers: SGD, Adam, RAdam, Adabelief, Adabound, Adamp, Novograd
- Supported learning rate scheduler: Noam
In the usage section, you can find the full list of available options whereas in examples you can find a few commands for launching training and evaluation.
The dataset used in the contests is called xBD and contains 22,068 images each of 1024x1024 size with RGB colors (see the xBD paper for more details). The data is available for download from the xView2 challenge website (registration required).
This repository assumes the following data layout:
├── train
│ ├── images
│ │ └── <image_id>.png
│ │ └── ...
│ └── targets
│ └── <image_id>.png
│ └── ...
├── test
│ ├── images
│ │ └── <image_id>.png
│ │ └── ...
│ └── targets
│ └── <image_id>.png
│ └── ...
└── holdout
├── images
│ └── <image_id>.png
│ └── ...
└── targets
└── <image_id>.png
└── ...
For example to convert json files within DATA_PATH/train
directory, use:
python utils/ --data DATA_PATH/train
The repository contains Dockerfile which handles all required dependencies. Here are the steps to prepare the environment:
Clone repository:
git clone && cd xview2
Build docker image:
docker build -t xview2 .
Run docker container:
docker run -it --rm --gpus all --shm-size=8g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 -v RESULTS_PATH:/results -v DATA_PATH:/data xview2 bash
- DATA_PATH is the path to xBD directory with layout as described in the dataset section
- RESULTS_PATH is the path to the directory for artifacts like checkpoints, log output or predictions
Here are the options for the
usage: python [--optional arguments]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--exec_mode {train,eval}
Execution mode of main script
--data Path to the data directory
--results Path to the results directory
--gpus Number of gpus to use
--num_workers Number of subprocesses to use for data loading
--batch_size Training batch size
--val_batch_size Evaluation batch size
--precision {16,32} Numerical precision
--epochs Max number of epochs
--patience Early stopping patience
--ckpt Path to pretrained checkpoint
--logname Name of logging file
--ckpt_pre Path to pretrained checkpoint of localization model used to initialize network for damage assesment
--type {pre,post} Type of task to run; pre - localization, post - damage assesment
--optimizer {sgd,adam,adamw,radam,adabelief,adabound,adamp,novograd}
--dmg_model {siamese,siameseEnc,fused,fusedEnc,parallel,parallelEnc,diff,cat}
U-Net variant for damage assessment task
--encoder {resnest50,resnest101,resnest200,resnest269,resnet50,resnet101,resnet152}
U-Net encoder
--loss_str String used for creation of loss function, e.g focal+dice creates the loss function as sum of focal and dice.
Available functions: dice, focal, ce, ohem, mse, coral
--use_scheduler Enable Noam learning rate scheduler
--warmup Warmup epochs for Noam learning rate scheduler
--init_lr Initial learning rate for Noam scheduler
--final_lr Final learning rate for Noam scheduler
--lr Learning rate, or a target learning rate for Noam scheduler
--weight_decay Weight decay (L2 penalty)
--momentum Momentum for SGD optimizer
--dilation {1,2,4} Dilation rate for a encoder, e.g dilation=2 uses dilation instead of stride in the last encoder block
--tta Enable test time augmentation
--ppm Use pyramid pooling module
--aspp Use atrous spatial pyramid pooling
--no_skip Disable skip connections in UNet
--deep_supervision Enable deep supervision
--attention Enable attention module at the decoder
--autoaugment Use imageNet autoaugment pipeline
--interpolate Interpolate feature map from encoder without a decoder
--dec_interp Use interpolation instead of transposed convolution in a decoder
To train the building localization task with the resnest200 encoder, cross entropy + dice loss function, deep supervision, attention and test time augmentation with 1 gpu and batch size 16 for training and 8 for evaluation, launch:
python --type pre --encoder resnest200 --loss_str ce+dice --deep_supervision --attention --tta --gpus 1 --batch_size 16 --val_batch_size 8 --gpus 1
To train the building damage assessment task with the siamese version of U-Net, resnest200 encoder, focal + dice loss function, deep supervision, attention and test time augmentation with 8 gpus and batch size 16 for training and 8 GPUs for evaluation, launch:
python --type post --dmg_model siamese --encoder resnest200 --loss_str focal+dice --attention --deep_supervision --tta --gpus 8 --batch_size 16 --val_batch_size 8
To run inference with batch size 8 on the test set, launch:
python --exec_mode eval --type {pre,post} --ckpt <path/to/checkpoint> --gpus 1 --val_batch_size 8
To post process the saved predictions during inference, launch:
python utils/
To get the final score, launch:
python utils/ /results/predictions /results/targets /results/score.json && cat /results/score.json