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Michele Salvador edited this page Jan 22, 2025 · 6 revisions

Local backup

From Family Gem 1.1 you can choose a folder on your device to automatically generate ZIP backup of the trees.
We suggest to create a specific Backup folder for this purpose.

Local backup of a tree is automaticlly done each time the tree is saved.
Only the last three ZIP backups of a tree are retained. The older ones are automatically deleted.

Automatic Google backup

An automatic backup system is provided by Android 6 and above. It lets you store up to 25 MB per app in your Google Drive / Google One.

You can verify that this service is active on Android SettingsSystem or GoogleBackup.
Make sure that Back up to Google Drive or Backup by Google One is switched on.
This backup is made automatically only on certain conditions, but you can always tap Back up now.
An automatic backup includes all the media that are stored on the "external storage" of Family Gem, that is /Android/data/app.familygem/files.

You can see a list of apps that have been backed up in the Drive app under Backups → your device's backup → App data. Here among others you should find Family Gem.

With this automatic Google backup, when you uninstall and reinstall Family Gem on the same device, you will immediately find the backed-up trees, including the media files.

ZIP file backup

Family Gem allows you to export and re-import a tree in a single ZIP file that includes:

  • The tree file (an exact copy of the JSON file internally used by Family Gem)
  • The media files all collected together

To export a ZIP backup of a tree, first of all you must show the advanced tools.
Then in the Trees page tap on the menu → Save ZIP backup.

You can now re-import this ZIP backup from Family Gem on any Android device.
To import the ZIP backup, from the Trees page tap on Recover a ZIP backup.

Share the tree

Another option to back up a tree is to use the sharing feature of Family Gem.
You could share a tree and then get it back on your devices by following the relative link (something like
Sharing a tree means that you upload a copy of the tree on a server online, where it will be kept for one month, available for download by everyone has the link.

To share a tree, open the Trees page, tap on the menu beside the tree, then select Share.

The sharing system uses exactly the same ZIP files that you produce saving a ZIP backup.
So you can recover a shared ZIP tree with TreesRecover a ZIP backup.