This bundle provides a way to implement cache invalidation strategies whenever changes are flushed to the database.
Use composer…
$ composer require "michelv/doctrine-cache-sweeper-bundle"
…then enable the bundle in AppKernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Michelv\DoctrineCacheSweeperBundle\MichelvDoctrineCacheSweeperBundle(),
You want to use this bundle when simply setting a TTL on cache keys is not enough.
When the event onFlush
is triggered, CacheSweeper
gathers the cache keys to invalidate for each updated entity by calling the method getSweepableKeys()
of the repositories that implement the interface CacheSweepableInterface
First, implement CacheSweepableInterface
in the repositories where you use cache keys.
The second argument for the method getSweepableKeys()
is the type of update that will be applied. You may either disregard this argument and always return the same array of keys, or handle different use cases.
Since the first argument is the updated entity, you can also manually call getSweepableKeys()
on a related entity's repository even if that related entity hasn't been updated. (Of course, you need to make sure not to run into a circular dependency.)
For example, if you have a cache key for the last blog posts in a category, you have the possibility to get the cache keys related to the category when CacheSweeper
gathers the cache keys related to a new post.
You can extend the CacheSweeper
class and use your own by setting the parameter michelv_doctrine_cache_sweeper.class
in your app's config, like this:
# app/config/config.yml
michelv_doctrine_cache_sweeper.class: ACME\Bundle\CacheSweeper
You can also define cache keys to invalidate in services, as long as they implement CacheSweepableInterface
. For this use case, you will need to call addService()
from your app's config, like this:
# app/config/services.yml
class: %michelv_doctrine_cache_sweeper.class%
- { name: 'doctrine.event_listener', event: onFlush }
- [addService, [@acme_foo]]
- [addService, [@acme_bar]]
Michel Valdrighi - -
DoctrineCacheSweeperBundle is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- proper configuration support (to avoid having to redefine the service when calling
) - tests