It's a tasteful and lightweight Logger API, done for you. And for me, obvious :)
For suggestions or bugs visit:
npm install simple_logger
// simple usage. It will write on console for you
var simple_logger_module = require('./simple_logger');
var log = new simple_logger_module.Log();
log.debug('it\'s ok - debug');'it\'s ok - info');
log.warn('it\'s ok - warn');
log.error('it\'s ok - error');
var simple_logger_module = require('./simple_logger');
var log = new simple_logger_module.Log({
level : simple_logger_module.LogLevel.INFO, // default = simple_logger_module.LogLevel.DEBUG, others = simple_logger_module.LogLevel.WARN, simple_logger_module.LogLevel.ERROR
out : process.stdout, // any object that implements write and writable methods of stream.Writable OBS: this config will override the specific outs below if them are undefined
debugOut : process.stdout, // even though out
infoOut : process.stdout, // even though out
warnOut : process.stdout, // even though out
ErrorOut : process.stdout, // even though out
metadata : { // accepts a closure definition or false. OBS: if you not declare this config, it'll assume you want all metadata
withDate : true, // true or false, add date
register : 'My module', // a text will be appended on log metadata, if you not want this, declare false
withLevel : true // true or false, add level
log.debug('it\'s ok - debug');'it\'s ok - info');
log.warn('it\'s ok - warn');
log.error('it\'s ok - error');
// ------ log on files ------
var simple_logger_module = require('./simple_logger'),
fs = require('fs');
var wsd = fs.createWriteStream('./log/debug.log', { flags: 'a+', encoding: 'utf8'});
var wsi = fs.createWriteStream('./log/info.log', { flags: 'a+', encoding: 'utf8'});
var wsw = fs.createWriteStream('./log/warn.log', { flags: 'a+', encoding: 'utf8'});
var wse = fs.createWriteStream('./log/error.log', { flags: 'a+', encoding: 'utf8'});
console.log('<<< please see ./log/debug.log file >>>');
console.log('<<< please see ./log/info.log file >>>');
console.log('<<< please see ./log/warn.log file >>>');
console.log('<<< please see ./log/error.log file >>>');
config = {
level : simple_logger_module.LogLevel.DEBUG,
debugOut : wsd,
infoOut : wsi,
warnOut : wsw,
errorOut : wse,
metadata : false
var log = new simple_logger_module.Log(config);
log.debug('it\'s ok - debug');'it\'s ok - info');
log.warn('it\'s ok - warn');
log.error('it\'s ok - error');