Birdwatcher is a data analysis and OSINT framework for Twitter. Birdwatcher supports creating multiple workspaces where arbitrary Twitter users can be added and their Tweets harvested through the Twitter API for offline storage and analysis. Birdwatcher comes with several modules which can be envoked to further enrich collected data or work with it, e.g. Retrieving user's Klout score, generating social graphs between users and weighted word clouds based on their Tweets.
Birdwatcher is written in Ruby and requires at least version 1.9.3 or above. To check which version of Ruby you have installed, simply run ruby --version
in a terminal.
Should you have an older version installed, it is very easy to upgrade and manage different versions with the Ruby Version Manager (RVM). Please see the RVM website for installation instructions.
Birdwatcher is packaged as a Ruby gem to make it easy to install and update. To install Ruby gems you'll need the RubyGems tool installed. To check if you have it already, type gem
in a Terminal. If you got it already, it is recommended to do a quick gem update --system
to make sure you have the latest and greatest version. In case you don't have it installed, download it from here and follow the simple installation instructions.
Birdwatcher uses a PostgreSQL database to store all its data. If you are setting up Birdwatcher in the Kali linux distribution you already have it installed, you just need to make sure it's running by executing service postgresql start
and perhaps install a dependency with apt-get install libpq-dev
in a terminal. Here's an excellent guide on how to install PostgreSQL on a Debian based Linux system. If you are setting up Birdwatcher on a Mac, the easiest way to install PostgreSQL is with Homebrew. Here's a guide on how to install PostgreSQL with Homebrew.
You need to set up a user and a database in PostgreSQL for Birdwatcher. Execute the following commands in a terminal:
sudo su postgres # Not necessary on Mac OS X
createuser -s birdwatcher --pwprompt
createdb -O birdwatcher birdwatcher
You now have a new PostgreSQL user with the name birdwatcher
and with the password you typed into the prompt. You also created a database with the name birdwatcher
which is owned by the birdwatcher
Some Birdwatcher modules use Graphviz to generate visual graphs and other things. On a Mac you can install Graphviz with homebrew by typing brew update && brew install graphviz
in a terminal. On a Debian based Linux distro, Graphviz can be installed by typing sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install graphviz
in a terminal.
Some Birdwatcher modules use ImageMagick to generate images. On a Mac you can install Imagemagick with homebrew by typing brew update && brew install imagemagick
in a terminal. On a Debian based Linux distro, ImageMagick can be installed by typing sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev imagemagick
in a terminal.
Finally with all the dependencies in place, Birdwatcher can now be installed with a simple command in a terminal:
$ gem install birdwatcher
This will download and set up Birdwatcher and install all its code depencies.
Birdwatcher needs to know a bit about what database to connect to as well as API keys to use for API communication. For Twitter, you will need to register an application in order to get a consumer key and consumer secret. Head over to and set up your application. You don't need to have a valid callback URL as we won't be doing any OAuth authentication.
To make Birdwatcher even more useful, it is recommended to also obtain an API key for the Klout API which is required for some modules to work. If you don't intend to use Klout modules, you can of course skip this step.
On the first run, Birdwatcher will automatically start a configuration wizard where it will ask for the configuration it needs. If you have PostgreSQL connection details, Twitter consumer key & secret and optional Klout API key, you can start Birdwatcher for the first time:
$ birdwatcher
Enter the details into the configuration wizard:
As can be seen from the above screenshot, Birdwatcher supports multiple Twitter and Klout keys. If you configure Birdwatcher with several keys it will randomly shuffle between them when communicating with APIs to potentially avoid any rate limiting issues on extensive use.
Birdwatcher will save its configuration to ~/.birdwatcherrc
. Be careful not to push this file up to any public code repositories!
Birdwatcher pages long command output with the operating system's default pager command (usually less
) however the command output can be colored and will show up strangely if the pager is not configured to render terminal colors. It is advised to add the following to your ~/.bash_profile
or similar file:
# Get color support for 'less'
export LESS="--raw-control-chars"
export PAGER="less"
This will set up less
as your default pager command as well as configure less
to support terminal colors. Execute the command source ~/.bash_profile
to apply the configuration immediately instead of next time you open a terminal.
Birdwatcher is built as a console and if you have any experience with other frameworks such as Metasploit or Recon-ng, you should feel right at home as Birdwatcher has many of the same concepts and commands.
Birdwatcher, like Metasploit and Recon-ng, works with the concept of Workspaces. Workspaces enable you to segment and manage users and data stored in the database. You can use workspaces to create logical separation between different users. For example, you may want to create a workspace for a company, a department or for a specific topic.
Birdwatcher will always show the currently active workspace inside the square brackets on the command prompt:
There will always be a default workspace with the name default
which might be enough if you plan to use Birdwatcher for a small group of Twitter users. Let's create a new workspace called top5
that we can use for experimentation:
birdwatcher[default]> workspace create top5
[+] Created workspace: top5
The workspace create
command created a new workspace and automatically made it the active workspace. Any user we add and any data we collect now will only be available in the top5
If we want to navigate between workspaces, we can do so by using the workspace
command again:
birdwatcher[top5]> workspace use default
[+] Now using workspace: default
birdwatcher[default]> workspace use top5
[+] Now using workspace: top5
With the above commands we switched over to the default
workspace and then back again to the top5
The core of the Birdwatcher framework is of course its commands. You already got an introduction to the workspace
command in the previous section, but there are many more. One of the most important commands is help
birdwatcher[top5]> help
[+] Available commands:
back Unloads current module
exit Exit Birdwatcher
help [COMMAND] Show help and detailed command usage
irb Start an interactive Ruby shell
module ACTION Show modules
query QUERY Execute SQL query
query_csv QUERY Execute SQL query and return result as CSV
resource FILE Execute commands from a resource file
run Run current module
schema [TABLE_NAME] Show schema for database table
set OPTION VALUE Set module option
shell COMMAND Execute shell command
show DETAILS Show module details and options
status [ACTION] Manage statuses
unset OPTION Unset module option
use MODULE_PATH Load specified module
user [ACTION] Manage users
workspace [ACTION] Manage workspaces
The help command simply lists the available commands with a short description of what they do. If we want to get more information on a specific command, e.g. the workspace
command, we can execute the following:
birdwatcher[top5]> help workspace
Workspaces enable you to segment and manage users and data stored in the database.
You can use workspaces to create logical separation between different users.
For example, you may want to create a workspace for a company, a department or
for a specific topic.
There will always be a default workspace with the name default which might be enough
if you plan to use Birdwatcher for a small group of Twitter users.
List available workspaces:
workspace list
Create a new workspace:
workspace create NAME [DESCRIPTION]
Switch to a workspace:
workspace use NAME
Delete a workspace:
workspace delete NAME
Rename a workspace
workspace rename NAME NEW_NAME
Another core command in Birdwatcher is the user
command which can be used to add users to the workspace as well as updating or removing them at a later point.
As an example, let's add the top 5 most followed Twitter users from this list. At the time of writing it is:
- Katy Perry (@katyperry)
- Justin Bieber (@justinbieber)
- Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13)
- Barack Obama (@BarackObama)
- Rihanna (@rihanna)
Execute the following command to add them to the workspace:
birdwatcher[top5]> user add katyperry justinbieber taylorswift13 BarackObama rihanna
[+] Added katyperry to workspace
[+] Added justinbieber to workspace
[+] Added taylorswift13 to workspace
[+] Added BarackObama to workspace
[+] Added rihanna to workspace
Birdwatcher fetched basic information on the users through the Twitter API. A summary of users in the workspace can be seen with the user list
command. For more information on what the user
command can do, simply enter help user
Now that we have a couple of users in the workspace we can look at the status
command which is another core command of the Birdwatcher framework:
birdwatcher[top5]> status fetch
[+] Fetching statuses for BarackObama... done
[+] Processing 1000 statuses... done
[+] Fetching statuses for justinbieber... done
[+] Processing 997 statuses... done
[+] Fetching statuses for katyperry... done
[+] Processing 998 statuses... done
[+] Fetching statuses for rihanna... done
[+] Processing 999 statuses... done
[+] Fetching statuses for taylorswift13... done
[+] Processing 996 statuses... done
The status fetch
command fetches up to 1.000 statuses from the users in the workspace and saves them to the underlying database. The statuses are also processed to extract URLs, mentions and hashtags to separate database tables. Running status fetch
at a later time will fetch any new statuses that the users might have posted since last fetch.
We can page through the last 1.000 statuses across all the users with the status list
. . . .
Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) * Oct 5, 23:50
Proud of my buddies
Favorites: 51505 | Retweets: 22434
KATY PERRY (@katyperry) * Oct 5, 23:36
You hear it as "excellent" I hear it as "egg salad with lint" đŸ¤”
Favorites: 14204 | Retweets: 4340
Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) * Oct 5, 23:29
Great show
Favorites: 50799 | Retweets: 22617
Barack Obama (@BarackObama) * Oct 5, 21:30
This historic step in the fight to #ActOnClimate came faster than anyone predicted.
Favorites: 5053 | Retweets: 1254
Barack Obama (@BarackObama) * Oct 5, 20:44
"Today is a historic day in the fight to protect our planet for future generations." —President Obama #ActOnClimate
Favorites: 5500 | Retweets: 1652
. . . .
It is also possible to page through statuses which contain a certain word or phrase with the status search <word>
command. See help status
for more usage on the status
Being able to fetch Twitter users and statuses from the API is cool and all, but if that was all Birdwatcher would just be an offline Twitter client. Modules are where the fun begins. Modules either enrich collected data with more data (e.g. Klout score) or do some sort of work on the collected data.
Here are some of the things the modules can do:
- Generate weighted word clouds based on statuses
- Listing the most shared URLs in a certain time frame
- Generate visual social graphs between users
- Crawl shared URLs to fetch status codes, content types and page titles
- Generate KML files with geo-enabled statuses for viewing in Google Earth
- Generate Punchard-style plots of when users are most engaged with Twitter
To see all available modules, use the module list
birdwatcher[top5]> module list
[+] Available Modules:
Name: KML Document
Description: Creates a KML document of statuses with Geo locations
Path: statuses/kml
Name: Status Sentiment Analysis
Description: Enrich statuses with sentiment score
Path: statuses/sentiment
. . . .
Name: User Klout Topics
Description: Enrich users with their Klout topics
Path: users/klout_topics
Name: Social Graph
Description: Graphs the social relations between users
Path: users/social_graph
The name, description and path is listed for each available module. The module path is how the modules are divided up into folders on the file system. The folders can be seen as namespaces and gives a clue about what sort of objects they work on.
The path is used to select modules with the use
birdwatcher[top5]> use statuses/word_cloud
The use
command simply loads a module by providing the modules path as an argument. This also changes the command prompt to display the currently loaded module in square brackets next to the currently active workspace.
Now that we are inside the statuses/word_cloud
module we may want to get a bit more information about it:
birdwatcher[top5][statuses/word_cloud]> show info
Name: Word Cloud
Description: Generates a word cloud from statuses
Author: Michael Henriksen <>
Path: statuses/word_cloud
The Word Cloud module can generate a classic weighted word cloud from words used
in statuses across all or specific users and between different times.
The module is heavily configurable; have a look at the options with show options
Please note that configuring the module with a long timespan might result in a
very long execution time when the word cloud image is generated.
The generated image will be in PNG format.
The show info
command shows additional information on the module if available. It can also be used to see any configuration options the module might have:
birdwatcher[top5][statuses/word_cloud]> show options
Name Current Setting Required Description
DEST yes Destination file
USERS no Space-separated list of screen names (all users if empty)
SINCE no Process statuses posted since specified time (last 7 days if empty)
BEFORE no Process statuses posted before specified time (from now if empty)
MIN_WORD_COUNT 3 no Exclude words mentioned fewer times than specified
MIN_WORD_LENGTH 3 no Exclude words smaller than specified
EXCLUDE_STOPWORDS true no Exclude english stopwords
EXCLUDE_COMMON true no Exclude common english words
EXCLUDE_WORDS no Space-separated list of words to exclude
EXCLUDE_HASHTAGS false no Exclude Hashtags
EXCLUDE_MENTIONS true no Exclude @username mentions
INCLUDE_PAGE_TITLES false no Include web page titles from shared URLs (requires crawling with urls/crawl)
WORD_CAP 200 no Cap list of words to specified amount
PALETTE #8F99AB #A3ADC2 #272A2F ... yes Space-separated list of hex color codes to use for word cloud
IMAGE_WIDTH 1024 yes Image width in pixels
IMAGE_HEIGHT 1024 yes Image height in pixels
The show options
command shows all of the configuration options for the loaded module. The statuses/word_cloud
module happens to be one of the more configurable modules, but looking at the table we can see that only required option we need to set is the DEST
option which tells the module where to write the final word cloud image. Because the workspace doesn't contain a whole lot of users we will also set the SINCE
option to 6 months ago
in order to make a word cloud of what the Top 5 Twitter users have been talking about through the last 6 months. On a side note, all module options that have something to do with dates and times are processed with Chronic gem for natural language processing; see the examples for what is supported.
birdwatcher[top5][statuses/word_cloud]> set DEST /tmp/wordcloud.png
birdwatcher[top5][statuses/word_cloud]> set SINCE 6 months ago
birdwatcher[top5][statuses/word_cloud]> run
[+] Processing 1542 statuses... done
[+] Generating word cloud, patience please... done
[+] Word cloud written to /tmp/wordcloud.png
After a couple of seconds the module wrote the word cloud image to /tmo/wordcloud.png
. The result is:
Since everything is stored in a database, it is possible to perform arbitrary SQL queries against the data if you know the SQL language:
birdwatcher[top5]> query select name, screen_name, followers_count from users where workspace_id = 2 order by followers_count DESC
| name | screen_name | followers_count |
| KATY PERRY | katyperry | 93379238 |
| Justin Bieber | justinbieber | 88715066 |
| Taylor Swift | taylorswift13 | 81158756 |
| Barack Obama | BarackObama | 77850900 |
| Rihanna | rihanna | 66491106 |
The query
command will execute any SQL query it receives as an argument and output the result in a table. As can be seen in the command example, the query
command does not know how to scope the data to the currently active workspace, so you will have to take care of that in your queries. Usually rows can be scoped by filtering on workspace_id = ?
in tables. The current workspace ID can be retrieved by issuing the workspace
If you want to extract data with raw SQL and want it to be easily parsable by other applications or code, you can use the query_csv
command. It works similarly to query
but outputs the result in CSV format:
birdwatcher[top5]> query_csv select name, screen_name, followers_count from users where workspace_id = 2 order by followers_count DESC
KATY PERRY,katyperry,93379238
Justin Bieber,justinbieber,88715066
Taylor Swift,taylorswift13,81158756
Barack Obama,BarackObama,77850900
Performing raw SQL queries against Birdwatcher's database can be hard if you don't know how the tables are layed out. To get a list of available tables to inspect, you can use the schema
birdwatcher[default]> schema
[+] Available tables:
* hashtags
* hashtags_statuses
* influencees
* influencees_users
* influencers
* influencers_users
* klout_topics
* klout_topics_users
* mentions
* mentions_statuses
* schema_info
* statuses
* statuses_urls
* urls
* users
* workspaces
Giving the schema
command a table name as an argument will show detailed schema information, indexes and foreign keys for that table:
birdwatcher[default]> schema urls
[+] Schema information for table urls:
| Column Name | Type | Default | Allow NULL | Primary Key |
| id | integer | nextval('urls_id_seq'::regclass) | No | Yes |
| workspace_id | integer | NULL | Yes | No |
| url | text | NULL | Yes | No |
| final_url | text | NULL | Yes | No |
| http_status | integer | NULL | Yes | No |
| content_type | text | NULL | Yes | No |
| title | text | NULL | Yes | No |
| crawled_at | timestamp without time zone | NULL | Yes | No |
| updated_at | timestamp without time zone | NULL | Yes | No |
| created_at | timestamp without time zone | NULL | Yes | No |
[+] Indexes on table urls:
| Index Name | Column(s) | Unique |
| urls_content_type_index | content_type | No |
| urls_crawled_at_index | crawled_at | No |
| urls_created_at_index | created_at | No |
| urls_final_url_index | final_url | No |
| urls_http_status_index | http_status | No |
| urls_title_index | title | No |
| urls_updated_at_index | updated_at | No |
| urls_url_index | url | No |
| urls_workspace_id_index | workspace_id | No |
[+] Foreign keys on table urls:
| Column(s) | Referenced Table | Referenced Column(s) |
| workspace_id | workspaces | id |
If you want a graphical ER diagram, you can find one here
If you really know what you are doing and know the ins and outs of Birdwatcher's code, you can use the irb
command to get an interactive Ruby shell (IRB) where all of Birdwatcher's classes and models are available. You can use this command for debugging or for more complex, one-off data manipulation where building a module isn't suitable.
For information on how to create a Birdwatcher module, please see this Wiki page.
Birdwatcher is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.