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when open a contextMenu should close other contextMenu #18

dd1994 opened this issue Apr 12, 2019 · 11 comments

when open a contextMenu should close other contextMenu #18

dd1994 opened this issue Apr 12, 2019 · 11 comments


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dd1994 commented Apr 12, 2019

I have a list, when right click a list item, open a menu, but it should like browser's behavior, when open a contextMenu should close other contextMenu, if not, multiple contextMenu is weird, see the following picture.(sorry for my poor English, hope you already understand)

Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 11 09 59

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I understand your demand.
There should not be 2 or more context menus at the same time. That true.

michitaro added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 13, 2019
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michitaro commented Apr 13, 2019

done. Try 2.10.0.

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dd1994 commented Apr 15, 2019

awesome! It works fun👏

@dd1994 dd1994 closed this as completed Apr 15, 2019
@dd1994 dd1994 reopened this May 10, 2019
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dd1994 commented May 10, 2019

I don't know why, when I upgrade to 2.10.0, it cause errors, back to 2.8.x is ok

Screen Shot 2019-05-10 at 18 21 01

code is like this:

// export as vioTheme
import { StyleFactory } from '@hscmap/vue-menu';

export default StyleFactory(
    (() => {
        const base = {
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)',
            color: 'black',
            boxShadow: '0 2pt 6pt rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
            lineHeight: '21px'
        return {
            menu: base,
            menubar: base,
            separator: { backgroundColor: 'rgba(127, 127, 127, 0.5)' },
            active: { backgroundColor: '#0275d8', color: '#fff' },
            disabled: { opacity: '0.5' },
            animation: false


        <div class="chart-editor-key-columns">
            <vioTheme class="context-menu-wrapper">
                <ul ref="key-columns">
                        v-for="(column, i) in keyColumns"
                            'chart-editor-key-columns-checked': keyColumnCheckedStatus[i],
                            'chart-editor-key-columns-using-dimension': usingListFromDimension.some(e => e ===,
                            'chart-editor-key-columns-using-group': usingListFromGroup.some(e => e ===
                        @dragstart="dragstartHandler(column, i, $event)"
                        <hsc-menu-context-menu @contextmenu.native.stop :menuZIndex="999">
                            <div class="context-menu-sub-wrapper" @click="columnClickHandler(i)">
                                <i :class="getIconClassesByType(column.cast || column.type)" class="column-type-icon"></i>
                                <Tooltip placement="top" :content="`${column.alias}(${})`" :delay="300">
                                    <span class="column-alias" slot="reference">{{ column.alias || }}</span>
                                <Tooltip placement="top" content="点击快速进行智能分析" :delay="300" v-if="showIntelligentAnalysisIcon(column) && columnHasOneModel(column)">
                                    <i class="iconfont icon-chart intelligent_analysis_icon" :class="intelligentAnalysisIconClass" slot="reference" @click.stop="setIntelligentAnalysis(column)"></i>
                                <el-popover v-if="showIntelligentAnalysisIcon(column) && columnHasMultiModel(column)" placement="right" width="200" trigger="click">
                                    <div v-for="model in findColumnModel(column, dataModel)" :key="model" class="select-model" @click="setIntelligentAnalysis(column, model)">{{ DataModelsNameMap[model] }}</div>
                                    <i class="iconfont icon-chart intelligent_analysis_icon" :class="intelligentAnalysisIconClass" @click.stop="" slot="reference"></i>
                                <Tooltip v-if="showDiscardIntelligentAnalysisIcon(column)" placement="top" content="点击取消智能分析" :delay="300">
                                    <i class="iconfont icon-chart intelligent_analysis_icon" @click.stop="discardIntelligentAnalysis(column)" slot="reference"></i>
                            <template slot="contextmenu">
                                <hsc-menu-item label="数据模型" :sync="true" v-if="!isSetIntelligentAnalysis && type !== 'sql'">
                                    <hsc-menu-item :label="`${getSelectedDataModelTag(column, DataModels.sellerId)}商家ID`" :sync="true" @click="setDataModel(column, DataModels.sellerId)"> </hsc-menu-item>
                                    <hsc-menu-item :label="`${getSelectedDataModelTag(column, DataModels.buyerId)}买家ID`" :sync="true" @click="setDataModel(column, DataModels.buyerId)"> </hsc-menu-item>
                                    <!-- <hsc-menu-item label="地理角色" :sync="true">
                                        <hsc-menu-item :label="`${getSelectedDataModelTag(column, DataModels.longitude)}经度`" @click="setDataModel(column, DataModels.longitude)" />
                                        <hsc-menu-item :label="`️️️${getSelectedDataModelTag(column, DataModels.latitude)}️纬度`" @click="setDataModel(column, DataModels.latitude)" />
                                        <hsc-menu-item :label="`${getSelectedDataModelTag(column, DataModels.position)}位置`" @click="setDataModel(column, DataModels.position)" />
                                        <hsc-menu-item :label="`${getSelectedDataModelTag(column, DataModels.geographicValue)}关联值`" @click="setDataModel(column, DataModels.geographicValue)" />
                                    </hsc-menu-item> -->

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I could not reproduce the problem.
Could you provide a minimal repository that reproduce the problem?

Do you use this library with electron?
If so, this can be related to #5.

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dd1994 commented May 12, 2019

2.8.3 is OK, 2.8.4 is broken

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Thank you for the information, but I couldn't find the cause of the problem.
Could you make changes on this so that it reproduce the problem? The repository contains minimal code for vue-menu things.
I can't debug them until the error occurs in my laptop.

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Can I have your package-lock.json and package.json? I have an interest in the dependencies.

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dd1994 commented May 20, 2019

thank you @michitaro , but sorry for that I can't reproduce the problem when contains minimal code. maybe I will write a context menu components for myself. Thanks for being so patient anyway.

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dd1994 commented May 20, 2019

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dd1994 commented May 20, 2019

here is the package.json, I re-install many times so the package.lock.json may deosn't matter(and it's too large to paset here). I use the local npm registry in my company, so some of package dependence you can't install it(it's private)

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