The goal is to add the standard deviation in the relationship between Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) and Snow Cover Area (SCA), that is not taken into account so far. The aim would be to reduce the bias over the High Mountain of Asia (HMA) of IPSL-CM6A-LR.
#-H- LMDZOR_v6.1.11 LMDZ and ORCHIDEE model configuration
#-H- LMDZOR_v6.1.11 Configuration corresponding to the coupled modele IPSLCM6.1.11-LR
#-M- LMDZOR_v6.1.11
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.11 IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_4/src HEAD 8 IOIPSL/src modeles
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.11 tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE 6592 14 ORCHIDEE modeles
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.11 LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.15 3643 11 LMDZ modeles
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.11 XIOS/branchs/xios-2.5 1903 12 XIOS modeles
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.11 CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/LMDZOR_v6 4914 8 LMDZOR_v6 config
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.11 tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE_OL 6592 14 ORCHIDEE_OL config
#-C- LMDZOR_v6.1.11 trunk/libIGCM 1534 10 libIGCM .
Working Copy Root Path: /gpfsdswork/projects/rech/goe/ufz23bm/SCA_parameterization/modipsl/modeles/LMDZ
Relative URL: ^/LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.15
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: e51f81be-29bc-408f-98e3-ee85b5628ff9
Revision: 3616
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: oboucher
Last Changed Rev: 3616
Last Changed Date: 2019-12-16 14:10:03 +0100 (Mon, 16 Dec 2019)
Working Copy Root Path: /gpfsdswork/projects/rech/goe/ufz23bm/SCA_parameterization/modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE
URL: svn://
Relative URL: ^/tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE
Repository Root: svn://
Repository UUID: f489ceea-5127-0410-b15c-c4a6149ed9a7
Revision: 6592
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: josefine.ghattas
Last Changed Rev: 6592
Last Changed Date: 2020-03-04 10:34:45 +0100 (Wed, 04 Mar 2020)
The original code is left on the master
branch and the developments will be done on the test
branch. Objectives:
- Get the std not averaged in
- Use it in
for changing the snow cover fraction relationship
A new snow cover fraction parametrization for the ECHAM4 GCM (Roesch et al., 2001)
What is in Orchidée (
An observation‐based formulation of snow cover fraction and its evaluation over large North American river basins (Niu and Yang, 2007)
A new fractional snow‐covered area parameterization for the Community Land Model and its effect on the surface energy balance (Swenson and Lawrence, 2012)