XCTool is great at wrapping up xcodebuild
's persnickety input and unmanageable output. It has the added benefit of adding the build-tests
and run-tests
subcommands, which allow you to save time by reusing the compilation products for multiple test runs.
To help you leverage these features in Rakefile
s, the xctool_wrapper
gem adds an idiomatic Ruby wrapper around XCTool using the builder pattern.
require 'xctool'
xctool = XCTool::Builder.new("my-workspace", "my-scheme") # instantiate an xctool builder
xctool.with_test_sdk("iphonesimulator7.0").clean.test # configure xctool
puts xctool # outputs: `xctool -reporter 'pretty' -workspace 'my-workspace' -scheme 'my-scheme' -sdk 'iphonesimulator7.0' -configuration 'Release' clean test -test-sdk 'iphonesimulator7.0' -freshSimulator -parallelize -failOnEmptyTestBundles -simulator iphone`
sh xctool.as_cmd # you are responsible for shelling out to invoke xctool, located on PATH.
You should add test coverage and run tests before committing.
or bundle && rake
- Support all xctool options (e.g. arch is not supported)
- Dynamically support available SDKs
- Tightly couple with xctool versions and invoke xctool