a hybrid app basic on ionic : hiApp-ionic
all the UI and function will follow hiApp(written by F7)
- login UI
- translate
- need a language service
- localStorage
- Tweet UI
- add tweet UI
- Contact UI
- use gulp to Compression the code(in jackey-sparrow.github.io project)
- log out function
- implement the online web of this project
- Setting UI
- add reply comment use actionSheet
- remove the edit icon on the right up corner, and add the add comment icon on the header of comments
- $ionicModal hide still lost the scroll position, use no-tap-scroll='true'
- make the small item to a component
- add tweet comment UI
- new a fold name 'app' to keep the platform code
- page num and total directive
- picture browser directive
- when no more data, show message
- use scss(not going to use)
- not goning to use loading-bar
- use gulp-karma to run the test case(not going to write the test case)
- ion-alert should has a icon
- google map(not translate)(can not use in China)
- Tweet post(including photo upload)(high)
- baidu map(high)
- bing map
- use lazy load to deal with the images(ocLazyLoad)
- contacts search bar need to optimize(still has some bug,may remove the title in header)(high)
- performance optimize(including watchers / scope / digest time),should add the function at the beginning
- ionic android (not ready)
- ionic ios(ready)
- after finish the implement, add a build version
- use gulp to auto general index.html, no need to inject the script url by hand(gulp-inject)
- split the structure into [app(platform),lib,module], gather everything into app.js
└── hiApp
├── app
│ ├── common
| ├── controllers
| ├── partials
| ├── services
│ └── content
| ├── i18n
| └── images
├── tweet
├── controllers
├── services
├── templates
└── tweet.js(module router and other setting)
├── lib(mark the sorting rule)
├── 01_jquery
├── 10_ionic
├── 20libs
└── 30libs_angular
├── index.html
└── app.js
- platform-helper
add to the github issue
- go to your directory and download the package
npm install
configure you gulp configurations
##process :
Run->Edit Configurations -> add a new configuration -> select gulp.js
Gulpfile: D:\Ionic\hiApp-ionic\hiAppGulp.js
Node interpreter : C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
Gulp package : D:\Ionic\hiApp-ionic\node_modules\gulp