This repo contains a a set of end-to-end tests, that we use to verify that changes to the shop don't cause regressions.
Futhermore, it can be used to verify that swapping out a service (lets say the payment
by one implemented in a different language, that things still work as intended.
By running the following command, all tests in the tests directory will be run:
docker build -t weaveworksdemos/e2etests .
docker run --rm -e URL=<HOSTNAME> weaveworksdemos/e2etests
If you want to run only the login
and add_holy_to_cart
tests, run:
docker run --rm -e URL=<HOSTNAME> weaveworksdemos/e2etests login.rb add_holy_to_cart.rb
The test runner can be build using nix-build
URL=localhost $(nix-build)/bin/e2etest tests/add_holy_to_cart.rb test/checkout_holy.rb