This library runs predictors against evaluated MSBuild ProjectInstance to predict file and directory inputs that will be read, and output directories that will be written, by the project.
Predictors are implementations of the IProjectPredictor
interface. Execution logic in this library applies the predictors in parallel to a given Project. The library aggregates results from all predictors into a final set of predicted inputs and outputs for a Project.
Input and output predictions produced here can be used, for instance, for Project build caching and sandboxing. Predicted inputs are added to the project file itself and known global files and folders from SDKs and tools to produce a set of files and folders that can be hashed and summarized to produce an inputs hash that can be used to look up the results of previous build executions. The more accurate and complete the predicted set of inputs, the narrower the set of cached output results, and the better the cache performance. Predicted build output directories are used to guide static construction and analysis of build sandboxes.
Basic usage:
List<IProjectPredictor> predictors = new List<IProjectPredictor>();
// Add any custom IProjectPredictor implementations
var predictionExecutor = new ProjectPredictionExecutor(predictors);
ProjectInstance projectInstance = /* Create an MSBuild ProjectInstance */;
ProjectPredictions predictions = predictionExecutor.PredictInputsAndOutputs(projectInstance);
Providing a custom IProjectPredictionCollector
IReadOnlyCollection<IProjectPredictor> predictors = ProjectPredictors.AllPredictors;
var predictionExecutor = new ProjectPredictionExecutor(predictors);
var predictionCollector = new CustomProjectPredictionCollector();
ProjectInstance projectInstance = /* Create an MSBuild ProjectInstance */;
predictionExecutor.PredictInputsAndOutputs(projectInstance, predictionCollector);
Using alongside MSBuild's ProjectGraph
string projectFile = /* Your entry project file */;
ProjectCollection projectCollection = ProjectCollection.GlobalProjectCollection;
// Use a shared evaluation context for all projects.
EvaluationContext evaluationContext = EvaluationContext.Create(EvaluationContext.SharingPolicy.Shared);
var projectGraph = new ProjectGraph(
(string projectPath, Dictionary<string, string> globalProperties, ProjectCollection projCollection) =>
var projectOptions = new ProjectOptions
GlobalProperties = globalProperties,
ProjectCollection = projCollection,
EvaluationContext = evaluationContext,
return ProjectInstance.FromFile(projectPath, projectOptions);
ProjectInstance[] projectInstances = projectGraph.ProjectNodes.Select(node => node.ProjectInstance).ToArray();
IReadOnlyCollection<IProjectPredictor> predictors = ProjectPredictors.AllPredictors;
// Using single-threaded prediction since we're parallelizing on project instances instead.
var predictionExecutor = new ProjectPredictionExecutor(predictors, new ProjectPredictionOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 });
var predictionCollector = new CustomProjectPredictionCollector();
new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount },
project => predictionExecutor.PredictInputsAndOutputs(project, predictionCollector));
See Design.
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