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Azure Web App: Samples

Andy Xu(devdiv) edited this page Aug 24, 2021 · 4 revisions

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Web App (on Linux) with Java 8, Tomcat

The following configuration is applicable for below scenario:

  • Reference <serverId> in Maven's settings.xml to authenticate with Azure

  • Web App on Linux

  • Use Java 8 and Tomcat 8.5

  • Deploy a WAR file to context path: /${} in your Web App server

  • Add Application Settings to your Web App

                   <!-- Reference <serverId> in Maven's settings.xml to authenticate with Azure -->
                   <!-- Web App information -->
                   <!-- Java Runtime Stack for Web App on Windows-->
                       <!-- for now only jre8 is supported for <javaVersion> of linux web app-->
                       <javaVersion>Java 8</javaVersion>
                       <webContainer>Tomcat 8.5</webContainer>
                      <!-- Tell Azure which port you want to use, required for springboot
                         jar applications -->
                      <!--JVM OPTIONS -->
                         <value>-Xmx512m -Xms512m</value>
                   <!-- Deployment settings -->

Web App (on Linux) with Java 8 and JAR deployment

The following configuration is applicable for below scenario:

  • Reference <serverId> in Maven's settings.xml to authenticate with Azure

  • Web App on Linux

  • Use Java 8

  • Deploy an executable jar file to /site/wwwroot/ directory in your Web App server

                   <!-- Reference <serverId> in Maven's settings.xml to authenticate with Azure -->
                   <!-- Web App information -->
                   <!-- Java Runtime Stack for Web App on Windows-->
                     <javaVersion>Java 8</javaVersion>
                     <webContainer>Java SE</webContainer>
                   <!-- Deployment settings -->

Web App (on Windows) with Java 8, Tomcat

The following configuration is applicable for below scenario:

  • Reference <serverId> in Maven's settings.xml to authenticate with Azure

  • Web App on Windows

  • Use Java 8 and Tomcat 8.5

  • Deploy the WAR file to context path: /${} in your Web App server

  • Add Application Settings to your Web App

                   <!-- Reference <serverId> in Maven's settings.xml to authenticate with Azure -->
                   <!-- Web App information -->
                   <!-- Java Runtime Stack for Web App on Windows-->
                     <javaVersion>Java 8</javaVersion>
                     <webContainer>Tomcat 8.5</webContainer>
                   <!-- Deployment settings -->

Web App for Containers with public DockerHub container image

The following configuration is applicable for below scenario:

  • Reference <serverId> in Maven's settings.xml to authenticate with Azure

  • Web App for Containers

  • Use public DockerHub image springio/gs-spring-boot-docker:latest as runtime stack

  • Add Application Settings to your Web App

                   <!-- Reference "azure-auth" from Maven's settings.xml to authenticate with Azure -->
                   <!-- Web App information -->
                   <!-- Runtime Stack specified by Docker container image -->

Web App deployment to an existing App Service Plan

The following configuration is applicable for below scenario:

  • Web App on Linux

  • Use existing App Service Plan

  • Use Java 8 and Tomcat 8.5

  • Use WAR to deploy WAR file to ROOT: / in Tomcat

                   <!-- Web App information -->
                   <!-- Deploy Web App to the existing App Service Plan -->
                   <!-- Java Runtime Stack for Web App on Linux-->
                     <javaVersion>Java 8</javaVersion>
                     <webContainer>Tomcat 8.5</webContainer>

Deploy to Web App Deployment Slot

The following configuration is applicable for below scenario:

  • Auth use service principle
  • Web App on Linux
  • Use Java 8 and Tomcat 8.5
  • Use WAR deployment to deploy war file to context path /${} in your Web App server
  • Create a deployment slot and copy configuration from parent Web App then do the deploy

                    <!-- Web App information -->

                    <!-- Deployment Slot Setting -->

                    <!-- Java Runtime Stack for Web App on Linux-->
                        <javaVersion>Java 8</javaVersion>
                        <webContainer>Tomcat 8.5</webContainer>

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