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April Preview Insiders Build 0.28.1

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@kburtram kburtram released this 05 Apr 20:43

April Preview Insiders Build 0.28.1
The April Preview Insiders Build 0.28.1 is this month's initial test build. Note that the Insiders builds are based directly off master with little stabilization. We publish these for users that would like access to the very latest updates. If you prefer a more stable build check out the March Public Preview.

The most significant highlight for this build is the Visual Studio Code 1.21 platform source code refresh. This brings in several updates to the core editor and workbench from the previous 1.19 sync point. Some examples include the following.

For further details checkout the VS Code February Release Notes and the VS Code January Release Notes

Contributions and "thank you"
We would like to thank all our users who raised issues, and in particular the following users who helped contribute fixes:

  • flyfishingdba for Add square brackets for ms_foreachdb call (#1023)