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Version 0.2 cleanup (#549)
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flanakin authored Jan 22, 2024
1 parent 75d0429 commit 1b7c494
Showing 8 changed files with 128 additions and 127 deletions.
68 changes: 33 additions & 35 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -70,41 +70,23 @@ Legend:
> </blockquote>
> 2. Return a single boolean value from the Remove-FinOpsHub command.
🖥️ PowerShell
{: .fs-5 .fw-500 .mt-4 mb-0 }

> ➕ Added:
> 1. New-FinOpsCostExport
> 2. Remove-FinOpsHubScope

📒 Cost Optimization Workbook

> ➕ Added:
> 1. Storage: Identify Idle Backups: Review protected items' backup activity to spot items not backed up in the last 90 days.
> 2. Storage: Review Replication Settings: Evaluate and improve your backup strategy by identifying resources with default geo-redundant storage (GRS) replication.
> 3. Networking: Azure Firewall Premium Features: Identify Azure Firewalls with Premium SKU and ensure associated policies leverage premium-only features.
> 4. Networking: Firewall Optimization: Streamline Azure Firewall usage by centralizing instances in the hub virtual network or Virtual WAN secure hub.
> 5. Top 10 services: Improved Monitoring Tabs: Enhance your monitoring experience with updated Azure Advisor recommendations for Log Analytics.
> 🛠️ Fixed:
> 1. AHB: Fixed AHB to support Windows 10/Windows 11

## 🚚 v0.2

🌐 Open data
🏦 FinOps hubs
{: .fs-5 .fw-500 .mt-4 mb-0 }

> ➕ Added:
> 🛠️ Fixed:
> 1. [Resource types](./open-data/ to map Azure resource types to friendly display names.
> 2. [Get-FinOpsResourceType](./powershell/data/ PowerShell command to support resource type to display name mapping.
> 3. [Sample exports](./open-data/ for each of the datasets that can be exported from Cost Management.
> 1. Fixed error in some China regions where deployment scripts were not supported ([#259](
> ✏️ Changed:
> 1. Switch from amortized cost exports to FOCUS cost exports.
> 2. Updated ingestion container month folders from `yyyyMMdd-yyyyMMdd` to `yyyyMM`.
> 3. Renamed **msexports_extract** pipeline to **msexports_ExecuteETL**.
> 4. Renamed **msexports_transform** pipeline to **msexports_ETL_ingestion**.
📊 Power BI reports
{: .fs-5 .fw-500 .mt-4 mb-0 }
@@ -132,19 +114,26 @@ Legend:
> 5. Fixed null error when Billing Account ID is empty ([#473](
> 6. Added missing commitment discount refunds to the actual cost data ([#447](
🏦 FinOps hubs
📒 Azure Monitor workbooks
{: .fs-5 .fw-500 .mt-4 mb-0 }

> 🛠️ Fixed:
> ➕ Added:
> 1. Fixed error in some China regions where deployment scripts were not supported ([#259](
> - [Optimization workbook](./optimization-workbook/
> 1. Storage: Identify Idle Backups: Review protected items' backup activity to spot items not backed up in the last 90 days.
> 2. Storage: Review Replication Settings: Evaluate and improve your backup strategy by identifying resources with default geo-redundant storage (GRS) replication.
> 3. Networking: Azure Firewall Premium Features: Identify Azure Firewalls with Premium SKU and ensure associated policies leverage premium-only features.
> 4. Networking: Firewall Optimization: Streamline Azure Firewall usage by centralizing instances in the hub virtual network or Virtual WAN secure hub.
> ✏️ Changed:
> 1. Switch from amortized cost exports to FOCUS cost exports.
> 2. Updated ingestion container month folders from `yyyyMMdd-yyyyMMdd` to `yyyyMM`.
> 3. Renamed **msexports_extract** pipeline to **msexports_ExecuteETL**.
> 4. Renamed **msexports_transform** pipeline to **msexports_ETL_ingestion**.
> - [Optimization workbook](./optimization-workbook/
> 1. Top 10 services: Improved Monitoring tabs: Enhance your monitoring experience with updated Azure Advisor recommendations for Log Analytics.
> 🛠️ Fixed:
> - [Optimization workbook](./optimization-workbook/
> 1. AHB: Fixed AHB to support Windows 10/Windows 11
🖥️ PowerShell
{: .fs-5 .fw-500 .mt-4 mb-0 }
@@ -170,6 +159,15 @@ Legend:
> - With native support for FOCUS 1.0 preview in Cost Management, we are deprecating both commands, which only support FOCUS 0.5.
> - If you would like to see the PowerShell commands updated to 1.0 preview, please let us know in discussions or via a GitHub issue.
🌐 Open data
{: .fs-5 .fw-500 .mt-4 mb-0 }

> ➕ Added:
> 1. [Resource types](./open-data/ to map Azure resource types to friendly display names.
> 2. [Get-FinOpsResourceType](./powershell/data/ PowerShell command to support resource type to display name mapping.
> 3. [Sample exports](./open-data/ for each of the datasets that can be exported from Cost Management.

## 🛠️ v0.1.1
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions package-lock.json

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "ftk",
"version": "0.1.2",
"version": "0.2.0",
"description": "Starter kits, scripts, and advanced solutions to accelerate your FinOps journey in the Microsoft Cloud.",
"main": "index.js",
"directories": {
101 changes: 62 additions & 39 deletions src/scripts/Publish-Toolkit.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
Optional. Indicates whether the the Build-Toolkit command should be executed first. Default = false.
Optional. Indicates whether the changes should be committed to the Git repo. Default = false.
Optional. Indicates whether the changes should be committed to a new branch in the Git repo. Default = false.
./Publish-Toolkit "finops-hub"
@@ -39,47 +39,50 @@ Param(
[string]$RegistryRepo = "bicep-registry-modules",
[string]$appInsightsRepo = "Application-Insights-Workbooks",

# Use the debug flag from common parameters to determine whether to run in debug mode
$Debug = $DebugPreference -eq "Continue"

# Repo config
$repoConfig = @{
aqt = @{
aqt = @{
mainBranch = 'master'
possibleNames = @($QuickstartRepo, 'azure-quickstart-templates', 'aqt')
relativePath = "quickstarts/microsoft.costmanagement"
requiredFiles = @("main.bicep", "metadata.json", "", "azuredeploy.parameters.json")
brm = @{
brm = @{
mainBranch = 'main'
possibleNames = @($RegistryRepo, 'bicep-registry-modules', 'brm', 'br')
relativePath = "modules/cost"
requiredFiles = @("main.bicep", "main.json", "metadata.json", "", "version.json")
appInsights = @{
mainBranch = 'master'
possibleNames = @($appInsightsRepo, 'Application-Insights-Workbooks')
relativePath = "Workbooks/Azure Advisor/Cost Optimization"
requiredFiles = @("CostOptimization.workbook","Storage.workbook","Networking.workbook","Compute.workbook","AHB.workbook","Reservations.workbook")
mainBranch = 'master'
possibleNames = @($appInsightsRepo, 'Application-Insights-Workbooks')
relativePath = "Workbooks/Azure Advisor/Cost Optimization"
requiredFiles = @("CostOptimization.workbook", "Storage.workbook", "Networking.workbook", "Compute.workbook", "AHB.workbook", "Reservations.workbook")

# Build toolkit if requested
if ($Build) {
if ($Build)
./Build-Toolkit $Template

$relDir = "../../release"

# Find the local repo folder
function Find-Repo($config, [string]$templateName) {
function Find-Repo($config, [string]$templateName)
Write-Debug "Verifying repo..."
return $config.possibleNames | ForEach-Object {
$path = "../../../$_"
if (Test-Path "$path/$($config.relativePath)") {
if (Test-Path "$path/$($config.relativePath)")
Write-Debug " Found @ $path"
$config | Add-Member path "$path/$($config.relativePath)/$templateName" -Force
return $config
@@ -88,6 +91,9 @@ function Find-Repo($config, [string]$templateName) {

# Get version for branch name and commit message
$ver = & "$PSScriptRoot/Get-Version.ps1"

# Loop thru templates
Get-ChildItem "$relDir/$Template*" -Directory `
| ForEach-Object {
@@ -98,26 +104,34 @@ Get-ChildItem "$relDir/$Template*" -Directory `
Write-Host "Publishing template $templateName..."

# Confirm metadata.json exists
if (-not (Test-Path "$templateDir/metadata.json")) {
if (-not (Test-Path "$templateDir/metadata.json"))
Write-Error "Template folder invalid. metadata.json required. Please ensure all required files are present. See src/<type>/ for details."

# Find target repo
$schema = (Get-Content "$templateDir/metadata.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json).PSObject.Properties['$schema'].Value
if ($schema.Contains('azure-quickstart-templates')) {
if ($schema.Contains('azure-quickstart-templates'))
$repo = Find-Repo $repoConfig.aqt $templateName
if (-not $repo) {
if (-not $repo)
Write-Error "Azure Quickstart Templates repo not found. Please close the repo locally or specify the QuickstartRepo parameter."
} elseif ($schema.Contains('bicep-registry-module')) {
elseif ($schema.Contains('bicep-registry-module'))
$repo = Find-Repo $repoConfig.brm $templateName
if (-not $repo) {
if (-not $repo)
Write-Error "Bicep Registry repo not found. Please close the repo locally or specify the RegistryRepo parameter."
} else {
Write-Error "Template schema not recognized: $schema"
@@ -126,76 +140,85 @@ Get-ChildItem "$relDir/$Template*" -Directory `
# Validate release requirements
Write-Debug "Verifying required files..."
$repo.requiredFiles | ForEach-Object {
if (-not (Test-Path "$relDir/$templateName/$_")) {
if (-not (Test-Path "$relDir/$templateName/$_"))
Write-Error "$_ required. Please add $_ to the template folder."

# Switch to main branch in local fork
if ($Commit) {
if ($Branch)
if (-not (Test-Path ($repo.path))) {
if (-not (Test-Path ($repo.path)))
./New-Directory $repo.path
Set-Location $repo.path

# Validate local repo is clean
if (-not (git status | Select-String 'working tree clean')) {
if (-not (git status | Select-String 'working tree clean'))
Write-Error 'Local repo has uncommitted changes. Please commit or stash changes and try again.'

# Switch to master branch
if (-not (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) -eq 'master') {
if (-not (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) -eq 'master')
Write-Host " Switching to $($repo.mainBranch) branch..."
git checkout $repo.mainBranch --quiet

# Pull latest changes
if (-not (git status | Select-String 'Your branch is behind')) {
if (-not (git status | Select-String 'Your branch is behind'))
Write-Host ' Pulling latest changes...'
git pull --rebase --quiet

# Create new branch if needed
if (-not (git status | Select-String 'Your branch is up to date')) {
$branch = "$($templateName)_$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm)"
Write-Host " Creating new $branch..."
git checkout -b $branch --quiet
git branch --set-upstream-to="origin/$($repo.mainBranch)" --quiet
git pull --rebase --quiet
# Create new branch
$branchName = "$($templateName)-$($ver)_$(Get-Date -Format yyMMdd)"
Write-Host " Creating new $branchName branch..."
git checkout -b $branchName --quiet
git branch --set-upstream-to="origin/$($repo.mainBranch)" --quiet
git pull --rebase --quiet


# Copy files
Write-Host ' Copying release files...'
if (Test-Path $repo.path) {
if (Test-Path $repo.path)
Remove-Item $repo.path -Recurse -Force
./New-Directory $repo.path
Get-ChildItem "$relDir/$templateName" -Exclude .buildignore | Copy-Item -Destination $repo.path -Recurse

# Commit changes
if ($Commit) {
if ($Branch)
Set-Location $repo.path
Write-Host ' Committing updates...'
git add .
$isNew = ((git status) | Select-String "new file: +$($repo.relativePath)/$templateName/main.bicep").length -eq 1
if ($isNew) {
if ($isNew)
$commitMessage = "New FinOps toolkit template - $templateName"
} else {
$commitMessage = "FinOps toolkit $ver - $templateName update"
git commit --message $commitMessage --quiet
$branch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
git push origin $branch --quiet
$branchName = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
git push origin $branchName --quiet
$fork = git remote get-url origin | Select-String "[^/]+/[^/\.]+)" | % { $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value.Replace('/', ':') }
Write-Host " Create PR @$($repo.possibleNames[1])/compare/$($repo.mainBranch)...$($fork + ':' + $branch)?expand=1"
Write-Host " Create PR @$($repo.possibleNames[1])/compare/$($repo.mainBranch)...$($fork + ':' + $branchName)?expand=1"

14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -222,17 +222,17 @@ Examples:

[Publish-Toolkit.ps1](./Publish-Toolkit.ps1) publishes a template to the Azure Quickstart Templates repository.

| Parameter | Description |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `‑Template` | Required. Name of the template or module to deploy. |
| `‑Destination` | Required. Path to the local clone of the Azure Quickstart Templates repository. |
| `‑Build` | Optional. Indicates whether the the `Build-Toolkit` command should be executed first. Default = `false`. |
| `Commit` | Optional. Indicates whether to commit the changes and start a pull request in the Azure Quickstart Templates repository. |
| Parameter | Description |
| -------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `‑Template` | Required. Name of the template or module to deploy. |
| `‑Destination` | Required. Path to the local clone of the Azure Quickstart Templates repository. |
| `‑Build` | Optional. Indicates whether the the `Build-Toolkit` command should be executed first. Default = `false`. |
| `Branch` | Optional. Indicates whether to commit the changes to a new branch in the Git repo. Default = `false`. |


./Publish-Toolkit "finops-hub" "../../../aqt" -Build -Commit
./Publish-Toolkit "finops-hub" "../../../aqt" -Build -Branch

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/templates/finops-hub/modules/scripts/Remove-OldResources.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

# Init outputs
$DeploymentScriptOutputs = @{}

$adfParams = @{
ResourceGroupName = $env:DataFactoryResourceGroup
DataFactoryName = $env:DataFactoryName

# Delete old triggers
$triggers = Get-AzDataFactoryV2Trigger @adfParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
| Where-Object { $_.Name -match '^msexports?$' }
$DeploymentScriptOutputs["stopTriggers"] = $triggers | Stop-AzDataFactoryV2Trigger -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$DeploymentScriptOutputs["deleteTriggers"] = $triggers | Remove-AzDataFactoryV2Trigger -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Delete old pipelines
$DeploymentScriptOutputs["pipelines"] = Get-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline @adfParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
| Where-Object { $_.Name -match '^msexports_(extract|transform)$' } `
| Remove-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
42 changes: 0 additions & 42 deletions src/templates/finops-hub/modules/storage.bicep
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -164,48 +164,6 @@ resource uploadSettings 'Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts@2020-10-01' = {

// resource removeManagedIdentity_blobManager 'Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts@2020-10-01' = {
// name: 'removeManagedIdentity_blobManager'
// kind: 'AzurePowerShell'
// location: location
// tags: tags
// identity: {
// type: 'UserAssigned'
// userAssignedIdentities: {
// '${}': {}
// }
// }
// dependsOn: [
// configContainer
// identityRoleAssignments
// uploadSettings
// ]
// properties: {
// azPowerShellVersion: '8.0'
// retentionInterval: 'PT1H'
// environmentVariables: [
// {
// name: 'managedIdentityName'
// value:
// }
// {
// name: 'resourceGroupName'
// value: resourceGroup().name
// }
// {
// name: 'storageAccountName'
// value: storageAccountName
// }
// {
// name: 'containerName'
// value: 'config'
// }
// ]
// scriptContent: loadTextContent('./scripts/Remove-ManagedIdentity.ps1')
// arguments: '-storage'
// }
// }

// Outputs
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/workbooks/optimization/scaffold.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
"summary": "Create a new cost optimization workbook",
"description": "This template creates a new Azure Monitor workbook for cost optimization based on the Well-Architected Framework.",
"githubUsername": "arthurclares",
"dateUpdated": "2023-10-08"
"dateUpdated": "2024-01-21"

0 comments on commit 1b7c494

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