Bumping versions for version update (0.1.7). (#158)
- iOS:
-- TabBarItemView: intrinsicContentSize properly added.
-- AvatarView: Added support for presence status in the avatar view (Circle Style only).
-- TabBarView: Fixed bug where wrong image was shown in horizontal compact size class in tab bar view.
-- Button: Added icon/images support on buttons.
-- PillButtonBar: Added ability to disable buttons on the pill button bar.
-- NotificationView: Added action button in notification bar, updates on padding, label size management, size now snaps to 4pt grid and toast size changed on iPad.
-- TableViewCell: Updated min height for single-line cells from 44 to 48.
-- TableViewCellFileAccessoryView: Added custom accessory views for table view cells that represent a file with date, shared status and file actions columns.
-- Colors: Moved control color definitions from the Colors file into controls' specific files.
- mac:
-- Button: added initializer without parameters
-- ButtonStyle: renamed to MSFButtonStyle in objC.