Releases: microsoft/fluentui-apple
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.24). (#377)
What's new:
-- Various deprecation and swiftlint warnings fixed
-- Colors: updated objc method name used to retrieve color from palette
-- PillButton: added support for pill button custom background and text colors -
-- Link: Added capability for custom color
-- Colors: added objc method used to retrieve color from palette
-- Button: Constraint improvements and rect calculations, bug fixes related to mouse events
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.23). (#353)
What's new:
- iOS:
-- PillButton: added objC support for colors and corner radius
-- Shimmer: updated colors to lighter tones
-- Pointer Interaction: fix for crashes in early versions of iOS 13
-- NotificationView: updated close button icon from regular to filled style
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.22). (#336)
What's new:
-- DrawerController: added objC support for background colors
-- Separator: thickness constant exposed in objC
-- AvatarView: do not disturb presence color fixed -
-- Button: updated designs and properties exposed to React Native - contentTintColor, restBackgroundColor, cornerRadius
-- Colors: do not disturb color fixed
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.21). (#326)
What's new:
-- BadgeField: fixed a bug where deleting badges didn't work
-- MSFCenterLabelCell: larger text support
-- Infra changes and fixes: moved custom project settings to xcconfig files and updated libFluentUI.a name in xcscheme files -
-- Target version updated to 10.14
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.20). (#316)
What's new:
-- AvatarView: Update on border dimensions and overflow avatar style
-- Demo App: Accessibility fix so Voice Over announces header on main TableViewController
-- Infrastructure fix: Localize workflow failure due to set-env and add-path command deprecation
-- FluentUI static library renamed from libFluentUILib.a to libFluentUI.a -
-- Primary colors added to the Palette
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.19). (#311)
What's new:
- iOS:
-- DrawerController: fixed bug regarding properties set on DrawerController class not being reflected on its presentation (shouldUseWindowFullWidthInLandscape) as well as accessibility issue where the passthrough view would block the underlying controls from being accessed by Voice Over
-- SegmentedControl: fixed accessibility hint to remove the terminology "tap to" in order to conform to Apple guidelines
-- BadgeView: background and label colors (active or disabled) can now be customized
-- BadgeField: fixed accessibility issue so the constrained badges scenario is also announced properly by Voice Over as well as zero width space issue being incorrectly read
-- TableViewHeaderFooterView: added more convenience methods for setting up its visual traits
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.18). (#297)
What's new:
-- PopupMenuController: snap components to the 4pt grid
-- HUD: accessibility improvement where Voice Over announces when the label is updated
-- TableViewHeaderFooterView: updated link color to meet minimum contrast ratio (4.5:1)
-- BadgeView: accessibility improvement to set .notEnabled trait when it is disabled
-- ActivityIndicatorView: improvement where an accessibility label was added to report activity active/halted
-- DrawerController: fixed bug where content bottom was clipped when presentationBackground was set to .none
-- Button: updated outline border color to meet minimum contrast ratio
-- ShimmerView: updated light and dark modes colors to meet minimum contrast ratio (now using gray400) -
-- Fixed issue where resource bundle was incorrectly set on the core subspec
Update version to 0.1.17
What's new:
-- Added a new section header to TableViewHeaderFooterView in the test app
-- Drawer Controller: Fixed a bug where Drawer Controller does not behave correctly when being dismissed by gesture
-- UIPointerInteraction: Fixed a crash related to some beta versions of iOS 13.4 and later not including the pointer interaction APIs.
-- Navigation Bar: Added objective c support for getting navigationbar background color -
— Podspec: Fixed a bug where the macOS resources were improperly included
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.16). (#267)
What's new:
FluentUI Apple cocoapods subspecs: the library is now available in smaller, more targeted components based on specific controls.
-- BadgeField: fixes a bug where scrolling would hide the text field even when it was not empty.
-- TabBarView: added support for custom spacing between tab bar items
-- TabBarItemView: fixes a bug where title text is not constrained/truncated within the item's boundaries
-- TableViewHeaderFooterTitleView: fixes a regression where header text can be highlighted/selected
-- Fluent Colors: shared color palette with iOS is now available on the Mac
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.15). (#254)
- iOS:
-- DrawerController: Added capability for interaction with the underlying view, new resizing behavior that blocks drawer from being dismissed
-- IndeterminateProgressBar: New control added. Represents activity in the form of a progress bar that animates indefinitely