Releases: microsoft/fluentui-apple
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.14). (#249)
-- BadgeView: accessibility hint improvement on guidance to select it
-- TableViewCellFileAccessoryView: improvements for alignment of action buttons and other columns, RTL support
-- PeoplePicker: delegate methods added to allow configuration of BadgeViews active state and whether the suggestion list should be kept visible when the user leaves the text view
-- ShimmerView: added concealing and revealing styles, does not animate shimming while OS setting of “reduce motion” is turned on.
-- NavigationController: fixed crashed in ShyHeaderController due to unowned references
-- DrawerController: Added capability (protocol) to prevent drawer from being dismissed -
-- AvatarView: fixed documentation warnings when consuming the library from Objective C code
Update Mac Demo App versions. (#236)
-- TableViewCell, PillButtonBar, SideBar and TabBar: Added support for pointer interaction on iPad.
-- TableViewCellFileAccessoryView: allows to set fixed width in order to force alignment when multiple rows have different number of buttons.
-- DrawerController: new configuration property to force the drawer to respect safe area limits.
-- BadgeView: Color updates/fixes to ensure proper minimum contrast ratio
-- CardView: new control added to the library
-- TableViewHeaderFooterView: fixed crash caused by setting selectedTextRange property.
-- Fixes to allow FluentUI consumption in Xcode 12. -
-- Button: added support for combined use of images and title
-- Demo App: new app icon
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.12). (#221)
- iOS:
-- ShimmerView: Leaf views now exposed as a property, ShimmerAppearance and ShimmerViewAppearance and are now deprecated so that individual properties in the ShimmerView can be used instead.
-- PeoplePicker and PersonaBadgeViewDataSource: fixes the absense of some types that were not linked in FluentUILib target
-- iPad Mouse pointer support on multiple views including Navigation bar items, Side Bar items and search bar clear/cancel buttons.
-- New developer convenience feature added to the Demo app: App automatically navigates to the demo controller that was displayed when app was terminated.
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.11). (#214)
- iOS:
-- SideTabBar: adds a minimum value of top and bottom paddings to cover older devices that don’t have any spacing for safe layout guides.
-- NavigationBar: now supports a top accessory view for centralized controls such as a search bar, supports both regular and compact size modes.
-- NavigationBar: adds customizable content margin value.
-- TableViewCellFileAccessoryViewAction: spacing adjustments on the columns based on how many of them are currently visible.
-- TableViewCell: introduces support for custom padding values
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.10). (#200)
- iOS:
-- UIImage extension: add utility method to tint image with the app primary color
-- ContactCollectionView: new small size available now, support for large text accessibility
-- AvatarView: new fallback image styles
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.9). (#191)
- iOS:
-- PillButtonBar: added support for custom pill buttons background
-- ContactCollectionView: new component for listing avatars in a horizontally scrollable view
-- SearchBar: added spinner to indicate progress on the search bar
-- SideTabBar: fixes a bug where tapping avatar view that wasn't triggering its callback
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.8). (#187)
- iOS: -- TabBarView: snap tab bar height to 4pt grid (48pt on iPad and iPhone - all orientations) -- TabBarItem: added support for badges, customizable accessibility labels -- DateTimePicker: updated past days text color to textPrimary (light mode) and textSecondary (dark mode), conforms backgrounds of the heading and the the navigation bar -- AvatarGroupView: new component to display avatar view grouped as a pile (side by side) or as a stack (overlapping) -- AvatarView: added support for displaying a avatar border in a specific color -- TableViewCellFileAccessoryView: added large content interaction support for accessory view items, changed objC name from TableViewCellFileAccessoryView to MSFTableViewCellFileAccessoryView, exposed initializer to objC
Bumping versions for version update (0.1.7). (#158)
- iOS: -- TabBarItemView: intrinsicContentSize properly added. -- AvatarView: Added support for presence status in the avatar view (Circle Style only). -- TabBarView: Fixed bug where wrong image was shown in horizontal compact size class in tab bar view. -- Button: Added icon/images support on buttons. -- PillButtonBar: Added ability to disable buttons on the pill button bar. -- NotificationView: Added action button in notification bar, updates on padding, label size management, size now snaps to 4pt grid and toast size changed on iPad. -- TableViewCell: Updated min height for single-line cells from 44 to 48. -- TableViewCellFileAccessoryView: Added custom accessory views for table view cells that represent a file with date, shared status and file actions columns. -- Colors: Moved control color definitions from the Colors file into controls' specific files. - mac: -- Button: added initializer without parameters -- ButtonStyle: renamed to MSFButtonStyle in objC.
update the version to 0.1.6 (#128)
- iOS -- SideTabBar implemented for iPad -- Observe acessoryView property changes for NavigationController -- Snap AvatarView sizes to 4px grid -- Update danger badge view text color for light mode -- Allow overriding contentEdgeInset for Buttons -- Allow customizing title and subtitle text color in TableViewCell
update sdk version to 0.1.5
What's new:
- Change navigationBar dark elevated color back to gray 900 and fix pillButtonBar demo background color
- Allow overrides of textPrimary and surfacePrimary colors