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Merge pull request #248 from microsoft/master
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SparkSnail authored May 19, 2020
2 parents 6568eae + f8627a2 commit 0fd38de
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Showing 20 changed files with 237 additions and 161 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/en_US/NAS/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ For example,

After applying, the model is then fixed and ready for final training. The model works as a single model, although it might contain more parameters than expected. This comes with pros and cons. The good side is, you can directly load the checkpoint dumped from supernet during the search phase and start retraining from there. However, this is also a model with redundant parameters and this may cause problems when trying to count the number of parameters in the model. For deeper reasons and possible workarounds, see [Trainers](./
After applying, the model is then fixed and ready for final training. The model works as a single model, and unused parameters and modules are pruned.

Also, refer to [DARTS](./ for code exemplifying retraining.

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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions docs/en_US/TrainingService/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Step 1. Install NNI, follow the install guide [here](../Tutorial/

Step 2. Get PAI token.
Click `My profile` button in the top-right side of PAI's webprotal.
Find the token management region, copy one of the token as your account token.
Click `copy` button in the page to copy a jwt token.

Step 3. Mount NFS storage to local machine.
Click `Submit job` button in PAI's webportal.
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Step 3. Mount NFS storage to local machine.
The `DEFAULT_STORAGE`field is the path to be mounted in PAI's container when a job is started. The `Preview container paths` is the NFS host and path that PAI provided, you need to mount the corresponding host and path to your local machine first, then NNI could use the PAI's NFS storage.
For example, use the following command:
sudo mount nfs://gcr-openpai-infra02:/pai/data /local/mnt
sudo mount -t nfs4 gcr-openpai-infra02:/pai/data /local/mnt
Then the `/data` folder in container will be mounted to `/local/mnt` folder in your local machine.
You could use the following configuration in your NNI's config file:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ trial:
virtualCluster: default
nniManagerNFSMountPath: /home/user/mnt
containerNFSMountPath: /mnt/data/user
paiStoragePlugin: team_wise
paiStoragePlugin: teamwise_storage
# Configuration to access OpenPAI Cluster
userName: your_pai_nni_user
token: your_pai_token
Note: You should set `trainingServicePlatform: pai` in NNI config YAML file if you want to start experiment in pai mode.
Note: You should set `trainingServicePlatform: pai` in NNI config YAML file if you want to start experiment in pai mode. The host field in configuration file is PAI's job submission page uri, like ``, the default http protocol in NNI is `http`, if your PAI's cluster enabled https, please use the uri in `` format.

Compared with [LocalMode]( and [RemoteMachineMode](, trial configuration in pai mode have these additional keys:
* cpuNum
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69 changes: 26 additions & 43 deletions docs/en_US/Tutorial/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,76 +1,59 @@
**Set up NNI developer environment**
# Setup NNI development environment

NNI development environment supports Ubuntu 1604 (or above), and Windows 10 with Python3 64bit.

## Best practice for debug NNI source code
## Installation

For debugging NNI source code, your development environment should be under Ubuntu 16.04 (or above) system with python 3 and pip 3 installed, then follow the below steps.
The installation steps are similar with installing from source code. But the installation links to code directory, so that code changes can be applied to installation as easy as possible.

### 1. Clone the source code
### 1. Clone source code

Run the command

git clone

to clone the source code
Note, if you want to contribute code back, it needs to fork your own NNI repo, and clone from there.

### 2. Prepare the debug environment and install dependencies
### 2. Install from source code

Change directory to the source code folder, then run the command
#### Ubuntu

make dev-easy-install
make install-dependencies

to install the dependent tools for the environment

### 3. Build source code

Run the command
#### Windows

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file install.ps1 -Development
make build

to build the source code

### 4. Install NNI to development environment

Run the command

make dev-install

to install the distribution content to development environment, and create cli scripts

### 5. Check if the environment is ready
### 3. Check if the environment is ready

Now, you can try to start an experiment to check if your environment is ready.
For example, run the command

nnictl create --config ~/nni/examples/trials/mnist-tfv1/config.yml
nnictl create --config examples/trials/mnist-tfv1/config.yml

And open WebUI to check if everything is OK

### 6. Redeploy

After the code changes, it may need to redeploy. It depends on what kind of code changed.
### 4. Reload changes

#### Python

It doesn't need to redeploy, but the nnictl may need to be restarted.
Nothing to do, the code is already linked to package folders.

#### TypeScript

* If `src/nni_manager` is changed, run `yarn watch` continually under this folder. It will rebuild code instantly. The nnictl may need to be restarted to reload NNI manager.
* If `src/nni_manager` is changed, run `yarn watch` under this folder. It will watch and build code continually. The `nnictl` need to be restarted to reload NNI manager.
* If `src/webui` or `src/nasui` are changed, run `yarn start` under the corresponding folder. The web UI will refresh automatically if code is changed.

### 5. Submit Pull Request

All changes are merged to master branch from your forked repo. The description of Pull Request must be meaningful, and useful.

We will review the changes as soon as possible. Once it passes review, we will merge it to master branch.

At last, wish you have a wonderful day.
For more contribution guidelines on making PR's or issues to NNI source code, you can refer to our [Contributing]( document.
For more contribution guidelines and coding styles, you can refer to the [contributing document](
Binary file modified docs/img/pai_job_submission_page.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added docs/img/pai_profile.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added docs/img/pai_token.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file removed docs/img/pai_token_profile.jpg
Binary file not shown.
123 changes: 86 additions & 37 deletions install.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
param ([Switch] $Development)
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

$install_node = $true
$install_yarn = $true

if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {
$OS_VERSION = 'win64'
else {
$OS_VERSION = 'win32'
# nodejs
Expand All @@ -15,86 +17,89 @@ $yarnUrl = ""
$unzipNodeDir = "node-v*"
$unzipYarnDir = "yarn-v*"

$NNI_DEPENDENCY_FOLDER = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()+$env:USERNAME
$NNI_DEPENDENCY_FOLDER = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + $env:USERNAME

$WHICH_PYTHON = where.exe python
if($WHICH_PYTHON -eq $null){
if ($WHICH_PYTHON -eq $null) {
throw "Can not find python"
else {
$pyVersion = & python -V 2>&1
$pyVersion = ([string]$pyVersion).substring(7,3)
if([double]$pyVersion -lt 3.5){
$pyVersion = ([string]$pyVersion).substring(7, 3)
if ([double]$pyVersion -lt 3.5) {
throw "python version should >= 3.5"

$WHICH_PIP = where.exe pip
if($WHICH_PIP -eq $null){
if ($WHICH_PIP -eq $null) {
throw "Can not find pip"

if ($env:VIRTUAL_ENV) {
$NNI_PYTHON3 = $env:VIRTUAL_ENV + "\Scripts"
else {
$NNI_PYTHON3 = $(python -c 'import site; from pathlib import Path; print(Path(site.getsitepackages()[0]))')

$PIP_INSTALL = """$NNI_PYTHON3\python"" -m pip install ."
$PIP_INSTALL = """$NNI_PYTHON3\python"" -m pip install "

if (!(Test-Path $NNI_DEPENDENCY_FOLDER)) {
New-Item $NNI_DEPENDENCY_FOLDER -ItemType Directory
$NNI_YARN = $NNI_YARN_FOLDER +"\bin\yarn"
$NNI_YARN = $NNI_YARN_FOLDER + "\bin\yarn"

## Version number
$NNI_VERSION_VALUE = $(git describe --tags)
$NNI_VERSION_TEMPLATE = "999.0.0-developing"

if(!(Test-Path $NNI_NODE_ZIP)){
if (!(Test-Path $NNI_NODE_ZIP)) {
Write-Host "Downloading Node..."
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($nodeUrl, $NNI_NODE_ZIP)

if(!(Test-Path $NNI_YARN_TARBALL)){
if (!(Test-Path $NNI_YARN_TARBALL)) {
Write-Host "Downloading Yarn..."
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($yarnUrl, $NNI_YARN_TARBALL)

$NNI_YARN_TARBALL = $NNI_YARN_TARBALL -split '\\' -join '\\'
$SCRIPT = "import tarfile",
("tar =""{0}"")" -f $NNI_YARN_TARBALL),
("tar.extractall(""{0}"")" -f $NNI_DEPENDENCY_FOLDER),
$SCRIPT = "import tarfile",
("tar =""{0}"")" -f $NNI_YARN_TARBALL),
("tar.extractall(""{0}"")" -f $NNI_DEPENDENCY_FOLDER),
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($SCRIPT_PATH, $SCRIPT)

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
function Unzip{
function Unzip {
param([string]$zipfile, [string]$outpath)
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, $outpath)
if ($install_node) {
### nodejs install
if(!(Test-Path $NNI_NODE_FOLDER)){
if (!(Test-Path $NNI_NODE_FOLDER)) {
$unzipNodeDir = Get-ChildItem "$NNI_DEPENDENCY_FOLDER\$unzipNodeDir"
Rename-Item $unzipNodeDir "nni-node"
Copy-Item "$NNI_NODE_FOLDER\node.exe" $NNI_PYTHON_SCRIPTS -Recurse -Force

if ($install_yarn) {
### yarn install
if(!(Test-Path $NNI_YARN_FOLDER)){
if (!(Test-Path $NNI_YARN_FOLDER)) {
cmd /C """$NNI_PYTHON3\python""" $SCRIPT_PATH
$unzipYarnDir = Get-ChildItem "$NNI_DEPENDENCY_FOLDER\$unzipYarnDir"
Rename-Item $unzipYarnDir "nni-yarn"
Expand All @@ -104,10 +109,40 @@ if ($install_node) {
## install-python-modules:
### Installing Python SDK

if ($Development) {
$PYTHON_BUILD = "build"
if (Test-Path $PYTHON_BUILD) {
# To compat with file and links.
cmd /c rmdir /s /q $PYTHON_BUILD
New-Item $PYTHON_BUILD -ItemType Directory
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path "$($PYTHON_BUILD)\nni" -Target "src\sdk\pynni\nni"
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path "$($PYTHON_BUILD)\nnicli" -Target "src\sdk\pycli\nnicli"
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path "$($PYTHON_BUILD)\nni_annotation" -Target "tools\nni_annotation"
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path "$($PYTHON_BUILD)\nni_cmd" -Target "tools\nni_cmd"
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path "$($PYTHON_BUILD)\nni_trial_tool" -Target "tools\nni_trial_tool"
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path "$($PYTHON_BUILD)\nni_gpu_tool" -Target "tools\nni_gpu_tool"


Push-Location build
#update folders in setup file
(Get-Content"src/sdk/pynni/", "") | Set-Content
(Get-Content"src/sdk/pycli/", "") | Set-Content
(Get-Content"src/sdk/pynni", ".") | Set-Content
(Get-Content"tools/", "") | Set-Content
# install current folder.
cmd /c $PIP_INSTALL -e .
else {
cmd /c $PIP_INSTALL .

# Building NNI Manager
$env:PATH = $NNI_PYTHON_SCRIPTS + ';' + $env:PATH
cd src\nni_manager
cmd /c $NNI_YARN
cmd /c $NNI_YARN build
Expand All @@ -124,17 +159,31 @@ cmd /c $NNI_YARN build
cd ..\..

## install-node-modules
if(!(Test-Path $NNI_PKG_FOLDER)){
New-Item $NNI_PKG_FOLDER -ItemType Directory
if (Test-Path $NNI_PKG_FOLDER) {
# it needs to remove the whole folder for following copy.
cmd /c rmdir /s /q $NNI_PKG_FOLDER


if ($Development) {
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path $($NNI_PKG_FOLDER) -Target "src\nni_manager\dist"
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path "$($NNI_PKG_FOLDER)\node_modules" -Target "src\nni_manager\node_modules"
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path $($NNI_PKG_FOLDER_STATIC) -Target "src\webui\build"
New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path $($NASUI_PKG_FOLDER) -Target "src\nasui\build"
Remove-Item $NNI_PKG_FOLDER -Recurse -Force
Copy-Item "src\nni_manager\dist" $NNI_PKG_FOLDER -Recurse
else {
Copy-Item "src\nni_manager\dist" $NNI_PKG_FOLDER -Recurse
Copy-Item "src\webui\build" $NNI_PKG_FOLDER_STATIC -Recurse
Copy-Item "src\nasui\build" $NASUI_PKG_FOLDER -Recurse

Copy-Item "src\nni_manager\package.json" $NNI_PKG_FOLDER
$PKG_JSON = $NNI_PKG_FOLDER + "\package.json"
cmd /c $NNI_YARN --prod --cwd $NNI_PKG_FOLDER
Copy-Item "src\webui\build" $NNI_PKG_FOLDER_STATIC -Recurse
Copy-Item "src\nasui\build" $NASUI_PKG_FOLDER -Recurse
Copy-Item "src\nasui\server.js" $NASUI_PKG_FOLDER -Recurse

if (!$Development) {
cmd /c $NNI_YARN --prod --cwd $NNI_PKG_FOLDER
14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions src/nni_manager/core/ipcInterface.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,11 +23,7 @@ const ipcIncomingFd: number = 4;
function encodeCommand(commandType: string, content: string): Buffer {
const contentBuffer: Buffer = Buffer.from(content);
if (contentBuffer.length >= 1_000_000) {
throw new RangeError('Command too long');
const contentLengthBuffer: Buffer = Buffer.from(contentBuffer.length.toString().padStart(6, '0'));

const contentLengthBuffer: Buffer = Buffer.from(contentBuffer.length.toString().padStart(14, '0'));
return Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(commandType), contentLengthBuffer, contentBuffer]);

Expand All @@ -43,12 +39,12 @@ function decodeCommand(data: Buffer): [boolean, string, string, Buffer] {
return [false, '', '', data];
const commandType: string = data.slice(0, 2).toString();
const contentLength: number = parseInt(data.slice(2, 8).toString(), 10);
if (data.length < contentLength + 8) {
const contentLength: number = parseInt(data.slice(2, 16).toString(), 10);
if (data.length < contentLength + 16) {
return [false, '', '', data];
const content: string = data.slice(8, contentLength + 8).toString();
const remain: Buffer = data.slice(contentLength + 8);
const content: string = data.slice(16, contentLength + 16).toString();
const remain: Buffer = data.slice(contentLength + 16);

return [true, commandType, content, remain];
Expand Down

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