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ONNX Overview

Nick Saw edited this page Sep 1, 2020 · 1 revision

Platform for Situated Intelligence supports running machine learning models represented in the ONNX format.

Basic Components

Support for running custom ONNX models is provided by instantiating an OnnxModelRunner component with an ONNX model file, and providing a specification of the model inputs and outputs. This component is based on functionality provided by ML.NET and the ONNX Runtime, and is available in either the Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.Cpu or Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.Gpu packages, depending on whether or not GPU (CUDA) execution is required.

Common Patterns of Usage

The following example shows how to run inference on a stream by running a custom ONNX model. This assumes that you have pre-trained a model and exported it to an ONNX model file (opset version 7 or greater).

using (var pipeline = Pipeline.Create())
    var modelRunner = new OnnxModelRunner(
        new OnnxModelConfiguration()
            ModelFileName = "model.onnx",
            InputVectorSize = 25,
            InputVectorName = "data",
            OutputVectorName = "score",

Here we instantiate a model runner with an OnnxModelConfiguration object containing information about the model. In this example, we assume the pre-trained ONNX model file named model.onnx has and input vector named data with size 25, and an output vector named score. It is assumed that the application will know how to interpret the results represented by the output vector. In the current implementation of OnnxModelRunner, input and output vectors are represented as single-dimensional arrays of type float[].

Assuming we have a stream inputStream representing the raw input data, we can simply pipe this to the modelRunner and run it to get the output predictions:

    IProducer<float[]> inputStream = ...; // assumes an input stream of raw vector data


    // assumes an output vector of size 1
    var predictions = inputStream.PipeTo(modelRunner);
    predictions.Do(x => Console.WriteLine($"Output: {x[0]}"));


Additional Components

The OnnxModelRunner provides a generalized component for running any ONNX model on a stream of raw vector inputs.

Additional model runner components for specific pre-trained models are provided in a separate package (Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.ModelRunners.Cpu or Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.ModelRunners.Gpu). Currently only the Tiny YOLOv2 model runner has been implemented. More model runners will be added in the future.

GPU Execution

The Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.Cpu and Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.Gpu projects both share common code, and are intended to be interchangeable without requiring any modification to the application code that references them. Similarly for the Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.ModelRunners.Cpu and Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.ModelRunners.Gpu projects.

In order to enable GPU execution, simply replace the reference to the Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.Cpu project/package with a reference to Microsoft.Psi.Onnx.Gpu. Then, set the GpuDeviceId property in the OnnxModelConfiguration object used to instantiate the OnnxModelRunner component to a valid, non-negative integer. Typical device ID values are 0 or 1. Set the GpuDeviceId property to null to revert to CPU execution.

System Requirements for GPU Execution

The GPU version requires a CUDA supported GPU, the CUDA 10.1 Toolkit and cuDNN 7.6.5 (as indicated in the ONNX Runtime documentation).

ONNX Compatibility

Note that the ONNX Runtime is backwards compatible to ONNX opset version 7, so models will first need to be converted if they were exported to an older opset version.

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