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[scripts/posh-vcpkg] Change TabExpansion to Register-ArgumentCompleter (
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WangWeiLin-MV authored Dec 10, 2024
1 parent e4443de commit 074906a
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Showing 6 changed files with 464 additions and 43 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/workflows/build.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ jobs:
shell: pwsh
run: |
cd out/build/${{ matrix.preset }}
Import-Module Pester -Force -MinimumVersion '5.6.1' -MaximumVersion '5.99'
${{ github.workspace }}/azure-pipelines/end-to-end-tests.ps1 -RunArtifactsTests
VCPKG_ROOT: ${{ github.workspace }}/vcpkg-root
378 changes: 378 additions & 0 deletions azure-pipelines/e2e-specs/autocomplete-posh-vcpkg.Tests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
param (

BeforeAll {
Import-Module $poshVcpkgModulePath

$env:PATH = $vcpkgExe.Directory.FullName + [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $env:PATH

function Complete-InputCaret {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
$positionMatches = [regex]::Matches($InputCaretScript, '\^')
if ($positionMatches.Count -ne 1) {
throw 'Invalid caret cursor command, please indicate by only one ^ character'
$command = [string]$InputCaretScript.Replace('^', '')
$cursorPosition = [int]$positionMatches[0].Index
$result = [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($command, $cursorPosition, $null)
return $result.CompletionMatches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CompletionText

$VcpkgPredefined = @{
CommandList = @(
'acquire_project', 'acquire', 'activate', 'add', 'create', 'deactivate', 'depend-info', 'edit', 'env'
'export', 'fetch', 'find', 'format-manifest', 'hash', 'help', 'install', 'integrate', 'list', 'new', 'owns'
'portsdiff', 'remove', 'search', 'update', 'upgrade', 'use', 'version', 'x-add-version', 'x-check-support'
'x-init-registry', 'x-package-info', 'x-regenerate', 'x-set-installed', 'x-update-baseline'
'x-update-registry', 'x-vsinstances'
CommonParameterList = @()
CommandOptionList = @{
install = @(
'--allow-unsupported', '--clean-after-build', '--clean-buildtrees-after-build'
'--clean-downloads-after-build', '--clean-packages-after-build', '--dry-run', '--editable'
'--enforce-port-checks', '--head', '--keep-going', '--no-downloads', '--no-print-usage'
'--only-binarycaching', '--only-downloads', '--recurse', '--x-feature', '--x-no-default-features'
'--x-prohibit-backcompat-features', '--x-use-aria2', '--x-write-nuget-packages-config', '--x-xunit'
remove = @(
'--dry-run', '--outdated', '--purge', '--recurse'
$VcpkgPredefined | Out-Null

Describe 'Prerequisites tests' {
Context 'Internal function Complete-InputCaret tests' {
It 'Complete-InputCaret 1 caret string should success' {
{ 'aaaa^' | Complete-InputCaret } | Should -Not -Throw

It 'Complete-InputCaret 0 caret string should throw' {
{ 'aaaa' | Complete-InputCaret } | Should -Throw

It 'Complete-InputCaret 2 caret string should throw' {
{ 'aaaa^^' | Complete-InputCaret } | Should -Throw

It 'Complete-InputCaret self should success' {
'Complete-InputCaret^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain 'Complete-InputCaret'

Context 'Exist module and command tests' {
It 'Should imported module posh-vcpkg' {
(Get-Module -Name posh-vcpkg).Name | Should -Be 'posh-vcpkg'

It 'Should version greater than or equal 0.0.2' {
(Get-Module posh-vcpkg).Version | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual '0.0.2'

It 'Should have executable vcpkg' {
$vcpkgExe | Should -Exist

It 'Should have command vcpkg' {
Get-Command -Name vcpkg | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

It 'Should command vcpkg is the executable' {
(Get-Command -Name vcpkg).Path | Should -Be $vcpkgExe.FullName

Describe 'Complete basic tests' {
Context 'Complete full command contain tests' {
It 'Should complete command [vcpkg <_>^] contain [<_>]' -ForEach @(
) {
'vcpkg {0}^' -f $_ | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain $_

Context 'Complete full command exact match tests' {
It 'Should exact match command completions [vcpkg <_>^] be [<_>]' -ForEach @(
) {
'vcpkg {0}^' -f $_ | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be $_

Context 'Complete part command contain tests' {
It 'Should complete command [vcpkg <command>^] contain [<expected>]' -ForEach @(
@{command = 'he'; expected = 'help' }
@{command = 'in'; expected = 'install' }
@{command = 've'; expected = 'version' }
@{command = 'in'; expected = 'integrate' }
) {
'vcpkg {0}^' -f $command | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain $expected

Context 'Complete space tests' {
It 'Should complete command for blank space [vcpkg ^] contain [<_>]' -ForEach @(
) {
'vcpkg ^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain $_

It 'Should exact match command completions for blank space [vcpkg ^]' {
$completions = 'vcpkg ^' | Complete-InputCaret
$expected = $VcpkgPredefined.CommandList
Compare-Object $completions $expected | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

Describe 'Complete command tests' {
Context 'Complete common option tests' -Skip {
It 'Should complete common option for blank space [vcpkg ^] contain [--host-triplet]' {
'vcpkg ^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain '--host-triplet'

It 'Should complete common option for blank space [vcpkg ^] contain [--host-triplet=]' {
'vcpkg ^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain '--host-triplet='

It 'Should complete common option for blank space [vcpkg ^] contain [--vcpkg-root]' {
'vcpkg ^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain '--vcpkg-root'

It 'Should complete common option for blank space [vcpkg ^] contain [--vcpkg-root=]' {
'vcpkg ^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain '--vcpkg-root='

Context 'Complete common option argument tests' -Skip {
It 'Should complete common option arguments for [vcpkg --triplet^] contain [--triplet=]' {
'vcpkg --triplet^' -f $argument | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain '--triplet=x64-windows'

It 'Should complete common option arguments for [vcpkg --triplet=^] contain [--triplet=x64-windows]' {
'vcpkg --triplet=^' -f $argument | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain '--triplet=x64-windows'

It 'Should complete common option arguments for [vcpkg --triplet=x64^] contain [--triplet=x64-windows]' {
'vcpkg --triplet=x64^' -f $argument | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain '--triplet=x64-windows'

# Skip due to
Context 'Complete command option list tests conditionally - CoreOnly' -Tag CoreOnly {
It 'Should complete option flags with single minus [vcpkg <command> -^] contain [<expected>]' -ForEach @(
@{ command = 'install' ; expected = '--editable' }
@{ command = 'remove' ; expected = '--dry-run' }
) {
'vcpkg {0} -^' -f $command | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain $expected

It 'Should complete option flags with double minus [vcpkg <command> --^] contain [<expected>]' -ForEach @(
@{ command = 'install' ; expected = '--editable' }
@{ command = 'remove' ; expected = '--dry-run' }
) {
'vcpkg {0} --^' -f $command | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain $expected

It 'Should exact match command options for double minus [vcpkg <_> --^]' -ForEach @(
) {
$completions = 'vcpkg {0} --^' -f $_ | Complete-InputCaret
$expected = $VcpkgPredefined.CommandOptionList[$_]
Compare-Object $completions $expected | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

Context 'Complete command argument tests conditionally' {
It 'Should complete install with port name [<caretCmd>] contain [<expected>]' -ForEach @(
@{ caretCmd = 'vcpkg install vcpkg-^' ; expected = 'vcpkg-cmake' }
) {
$caretCmd | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain $expected

It 'Should complete install port with triplet [<caretCmd>] contain [<expected>]' -ForEach @(
@{ caretCmd = 'vcpkg install vcpkg-cmake:^' ; expected = 'vcpkg-cmake:x64-windows' }
) {
$caretCmd | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain $expected

It 'Should complete integrate with subcommand [vcpkg integrate inst^] be [install]' {
'vcpkg integrate inst^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be 'install'

It 'Should complete integrate with subcommand [vcpkg integrate ^] contain [powershell] - WindowsOnly' -Tag WindowsOnly {
'vcpkg integrate ^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain 'powershell'

It 'Should complete integrate with subcommand [vcpkg integrate ^] contain [bash] - NonWindowsOnly' -Tag NonWindowsOnly {
'vcpkg integrate ^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain 'bash'

It 'Should exact match command subcommands [vcpkg integrate ^] - WindowsOnly' -Tag WindowsOnly {
$expected = @('install', 'remove', 'powershell', 'project')
$completions = 'vcpkg integrate ^' | Complete-InputCaret
Compare-Object $completions $expected | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

It 'Should exact match command subcommands [vcpkg integrate ^] - NonWindowsOnly' -Tag NonWindowsOnly {
$expected = @('install', 'remove', 'bash', 'x-fish', 'zsh')
$completions = 'vcpkg integrate ^' | Complete-InputCaret
Compare-Object $completions $expected | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

Describe 'Complete variants tests' {
BeforeAll {
Set-Variable vcpkgWithExt ($vcpkgExe.FullName)
Set-Variable vcpkgNoExt ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($vcpkgExe.FullName))

Context 'Complete basic variant command tests' {
It 'Should exact match command completions with call operator absolute exe word be [version]' {
"& $vcpkgWithExt ver^" | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be 'version'

It 'Should exact match command completions [<caretCmd>] <comment> be [version]' -ForEach @(
@{ caretCmd = 'vcpkg ver^' ; comment = 'with word' }
@{ caretCmd = '& vcpkg ver^' ; comment = 'with & word' }
) {
$caretCmd | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be 'version'

It 'Should exact match command completions for exe path [<caretCmd>] <comment> be [version]' -ForEach @(
@{ caretCmd = './vcpkg ver^' ; comment = 'with dot slash word' }
@{ caretCmd = '& ./vcpkg ver^' ; comment = 'with & dot slash word' }
) {
Set-Location $vcpkgExe.Directory
$caretCmd | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be 'version'

Context 'Complete variant command tests conditionally - WindowsOnly' -Tag WindowsOnly {
It 'Should exact match command completions with call operator no-ext absolute exe word be [version]' {
"& $vcpkgNoExt ver^" | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be 'version'

It 'Should exact match command completions [<caretCmd>] <comment> be [version]' -ForEach @(
@{ caretCmd = '& vcpkg.exe ver^' ; comment = 'with & extension word' }
@{ caretCmd = 'vcpkg.exe ver^' ; comment = 'with extension word' }
) {
$caretCmd | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be 'version'

It 'Should exact match command completions for exe path [<caretCmd>] <comment> be [version]' -ForEach @(
@{ caretCmd = '.\vcpkg ver^' ; comment = 'with dot backslash word' }
@{ caretCmd = '& .\vcpkg ver^' ; comment = 'with & dot backslash word' }
@{ caretCmd = './vcpkg.exe ver^' ; comment = 'with dot slash extension word' }
@{ caretCmd = '.\vcpkg.exe ver^' ; comment = 'with dot backslash extension word' }
@{ caretCmd = '& ./vcpkg.exe ver^' ; comment = 'with & dot slash extension word' }
@{ caretCmd = '& .\vcpkg.exe ver^' ; comment = 'with & dot backslash extension word' }
) {
Set-Location $vcpkgExe.Directory
$caretCmd | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be 'version'

Context 'Complete command with spaces tests' {
It 'Should complete command [<caretCmd>] <comment> contain [version]' -ForEach @(
@{ caretCmd = 'vcpkg ^' ; comment = 'many spaces' }
@{ caretCmd = 'vcpkg ver^' ; comment = 'middle many spaces' }
@{ caretCmd = ' vcpkg ver^' ; comment = 'with leading spaces' }
@{ caretCmd = ' & vcpkg ver^' ; comment = 'with leading spaces and call operator' }
) {
$caretCmd | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Contain 'version'

Context 'Complete command quotation tests' {
It "Should fallback to default completion with quoted full word [vcpkg 'install'^]" {
"vcpkg 'install'^" | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be $null

It "Should prevent completion for quoted space [vcpkg ' '^]" {
"vcpkg ' '^" | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be $null

Describe 'Complete position tests' {
Context 'Complete command intermediate tests' {
It 'Should exact match command completions [<caretCmd>] <comment> be [version]' -ForEach @(
@{ caretCmd = 'vcpkg version^'; comment = 'end of word' }
@{ caretCmd = 'vcpkg ver^sion'; comment = 'middle of word' }
) {
$caretCmd | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be 'version'

It 'Should exact match command completions [<_>]' -ForEach @(
'vcpkg ^version'
'vcpkg ^ '
'vcpkg ^ '
' vcpkg ^ '
' & vcpkg ^ '
'vcpkg ^ version '
) {
$completions = $_ | Complete-InputCaret
$expected = $VcpkgPredefined.CommandList
Compare-Object $completions $expected | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

Context 'Complete complex tests' {
It 'Should complete complex command line [<caretCmd>] be [<expected>]' -ForEach (
@{ caretCmd = 'echo powershell | % { vcpkg int^egr $_ }; echo $?'; expected = 'integrate' }
) {
$caretCmd | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be $expected

Describe 'Impossible command tests' {
Context 'Complete non-exist command tests conditionally' {
It 'Should prevent completion for non-exist command [vcpkg zzzzzzzz^]' {
'vcpkg zzzzzzzz^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be $null

It 'Should prevent completion for non-exist command [vcpkg ---^]' {
'vcpkg ---^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be $null

It 'Should fallback to default for non-exist command with trailing spaces [vcpkg zzzzzzzz ^] - WindowsOnly' -Tag WindowsOnly {
'vcpkg zzzzzzzz ^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -BeLike '.\*'

It 'Should fallback to default for non-exist command with trailing spaces [vcpkg zzzzzzzz ^] - NonWindowsOnly' -Tag NonWindowsOnly {
'vcpkg zzzzzzzz ^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -BeLike './*'

Context 'Complete error command tests' {
It 'Should prevent error from error command [vcpkg --triplet^]' {
{ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; 'vcpkg --triplet^' | Complete-InputCaret } | Should -Not -Throw

It 'Should prevent completion for error command [vcpkg --triplet^]' {
'vcpkg --triplet^' | Complete-InputCaret | Should -Be $null

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