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cleanup editor picking
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bpasero committed Feb 21, 2021
1 parent 293664b commit f7b7f94
Showing 1 changed file with 140 additions and 119 deletions.
259 changes: 140 additions & 119 deletions src/vs/workbench/services/editor/browser/editorService.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { IResourceEditorInput, ITextEditorOptions, IEditorOptions, EditorActivation, EditorOverride } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor';
import { SideBySideEditor, IEditorInput, IEditorPane, GroupIdentifier, IFileEditorInput, IUntitledTextResourceEditorInput, IResourceDiffEditorInput, IEditorInputFactoryRegistry, Extensions as EditorExtensions, EditorInput, SideBySideEditorInput, IEditorInputWithOptions, isEditorInputWithOptions, EditorOptions, TextEditorOptions, IEditorIdentifier, IEditorCloseEvent, ITextEditorPane, ITextDiffEditorPane, IRevertOptions, SaveReason, EditorsOrder, isTextEditorPane, IWorkbenchEditorConfiguration, EditorResourceAccessor, IVisibleEditorPane } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import { EditorAssociation, EditorsAssociations, editorsAssociationsSettingId } from 'vs/workbench/browser/editor';
import { DEFAULT_EDITOR_ASSOCIATION, EditorAssociation, EditorsAssociations, editorsAssociationsSettingId } from 'vs/workbench/browser/editor';
import { ResourceEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/resourceEditorInput';
import { Registry } from 'vs/platform/registry/common/platform';
import { ResourceMap } from 'vs/base/common/map';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,8 +490,6 @@ export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl {

//#region editor overrides

private static readonly DEFAULT_EDITOR_OVERRIDE_ID = 'default';

private readonly openEditorHandlers: IOpenEditorOverrideHandler[] = [];

overrideOpenEditor(handler: IOpenEditorOverrideHandler): IDisposable {
Expand All @@ -502,12 +500,8 @@ export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl {

getEditorOverrides(resource: URI, options: IEditorOptions | undefined, group: IEditorGroup | undefined): [IOpenEditorOverrideHandler, IOpenEditorOverrideEntry][] {
const overrides: [IOpenEditorOverrideHandler, IOpenEditorOverrideEntry][] = [];
const fileEditorInputFactory =<IEditorInputFactoryRegistry>(EditorExtensions.EditorInputFactories).getFileEditorInputFactory();
const defaultEditorOverrideEntry = Object.freeze({
label: localize('promptOpenWith.defaultEditor.displayName', "Text Editor"),
detail: localize('builtinProviderDisplayName', "Built-in")

// Collect contributed editor open overrides
for (const handler of this.openEditorHandlers) {
if (typeof handler.getEditorOverrides === 'function') {
try {
Expand All @@ -517,11 +511,13 @@ export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl {
if (!overrides.some(([_, entry]) => === EditorService.DEFAULT_EDITOR_OVERRIDE_ID)) {

// Ensure the default one is always present
if (!overrides.some(([, entry]) => === {
open: (input: IEditorInput, options: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions | undefined, group: IEditorGroup) => {
const resource = EditorResourceAccessor.getOriginalUri(input);
open: (editor: IEditorInput, options: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions | undefined, group: IEditorGroup) => {
const resource = EditorResourceAccessor.getOriginalUri(editor);
if (!resource) {
Expand All @@ -530,6 +526,7 @@ export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl {
const textOptions: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions = { ...options, override: EditorOverride.DISABLED };
return {
override: (async () => {

// Try to replace existing editors for resource
const existingEditor = firstOrDefault(this.findEditors(resource, group));
if (existingEditor && !fileEditorInput.matches(existingEditor)) {
Expand All @@ -546,10 +543,14 @@ export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl {
active: fileEditorInputFactory.isFileEditorInput(this.activeEditor) && isEqual(this.activeEditor.resource, resource),
detail: DEFAULT_EDITOR_ASSOCIATION.providerDisplayName,
active: this.fileEditorInputFactory.isFileEditorInput(this.activeEditor) && isEqual(this.activeEditor.resource, resource),

return overrides;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -581,10 +582,11 @@ export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl {
const [resolvedGroup, resolvedEditor, resolvedOptions] = result;

// If the override option is provided we want to open that specific editor or show a picker
if (resolvedOptions && (resolvedOptions.override === EditorOverride.PICK || typeof resolvedOptions.override === 'string')) {
return this.openEditorWith(resolvedEditor, resolvedOptions.override === EditorOverride.PICK ? undefined : resolvedOptions.override, resolvedOptions, resolvedGroup);
if (resolvedOptions?.override === EditorOverride.PICK || typeof resolvedOptions?.override === 'string') {
return this.openEditorWith(resolvedOptions.override, resolvedEditor, resolvedOptions, resolvedGroup);

// Otherwise proceed to open normally
return withNullAsUndefined(await resolvedGroup.openEditor(resolvedEditor, resolvedOptions));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -645,140 +647,159 @@ export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl {
return undefined;

private async openEditorWith(editor: IEditorInput, editorID: string | undefined, editorOptions: IEditorOptions | undefined, group: IEditorGroup): Promise<IEditorPane | undefined> {
private async openEditorWith(override: EditorOverride.PICK | string, editor: IEditorInput, options: IEditorOptions | undefined, group: IEditorGroup): Promise<IEditorPane | undefined> {
const editorOverride = await this.findEditorOverride(override, editor, options, group);
if (!editorOverride) {
return undefined;

const [editorOverrideHandler, , targetOptions, targetGroup] = editorOverride;

return, targetOptions ?? options, targetGroup ?? group, OpenEditorContext.NEW_EDITOR)?.override;

private async findEditorOverride(override: EditorOverride.PICK | string, editor: IEditorInput, options: IEditorOptions | undefined, group: IEditorGroup): Promise<[IOpenEditorOverrideHandler, IOpenEditorOverrideEntry, IEditorOptions?, IEditorGroup?] | undefined> {

// We need a resource at least
const resource = editor.resource;
if (!resource) {
return undefined;

// Collect all overrides for resource
const allEditorOverrides = this.getEditorOverrides(resource, undefined, undefined);
if (!allEditorOverrides.length) {
return undefined;

// Function which handles the quirks of opening from a pciker such as keymods
const openSelectedEditor = (picked: PickedResult) => {
let targetGroup = group;
if (picked.keyMods?.alt || picked.keyMods?.ctrlCmd) {
const direction = preferredSideBySideGroupDirection(this.configurationService);
targetGroup = this.editorGroupService.findGroup({ direction },;
targetGroup = targetGroup ?? this.editorGroupService.addGroup(group, direction);
// Return early for a specific override or we have just 1 in total
if (typeof override === 'string') {
const overrideToUse = allEditorOverrides.find(([, entry]) => === override);
if (overrideToUse) {
return overrideToUse;
const openOptions: IEditorOptions = {
preserveFocus: picked.openInBackground || editorOptions?.preserveFocus,
return, openOptions, targetGroup, OpenEditorContext.NEW_EDITOR)?.override;

let overrideToUse: [IOpenEditorOverrideHandler, IOpenEditorOverrideEntry] | undefined;
if (typeof editorID === 'string') {
overrideToUse = allEditorOverrides.find(([_, entry]) => === editorID);
} else if (allEditorOverrides.length === 1) {
overrideToUse = allEditorOverrides[0];
if (overrideToUse) {
return openSelectedEditor({
item: { handler: overrideToUse[0], ...overrideToUse[1] },
openInBackground: false
return allEditorOverrides[0];

type QuickPickItem = IQuickPickItem & {
readonly handler: IOpenEditorOverrideHandler;
// Otherwise find via picker
return this.doPickEditorOverride(allEditorOverrides, editor, options, group);

private async doPickEditorOverride(allEditorOverrides: [IOpenEditorOverrideHandler, IOpenEditorOverrideEntry][], editor: IEditorInput, options: IEditorOptions | undefined, group: IEditorGroup): Promise<[IOpenEditorOverrideHandler, IOpenEditorOverrideEntry, IEditorOptions?, IEditorGroup?] | undefined> {

type EditorOverrideQuickPickItem = IQuickPickItem & {
readonly overrideHandler: IOpenEditorOverrideHandler;
readonly overrideEntry: IOpenEditorOverrideEntry;

type PickedResult = {
readonly item: QuickPickItem;
type EditorOverridePick = {
readonly item: EditorOverrideQuickPickItem;
readonly keyMods?: IKeyMods;
readonly openInBackground: boolean;

// Prompt the user to select an override
const originalResource = EditorResourceAccessor.getOriginalUri(editor) || resource;
const resourceExt = extname(originalResource);
const resource = EditorResourceAccessor.getOriginalUri(editor);

const items: (IQuickPickItem & { handler: IOpenEditorOverrideHandler })[] =[handler, entry]) => {
const editorOverridePicks =[overrideHandler, overrideEntry]) => {
return {
handler: handler,
label: entry.label,
description: ? localize('promptOpenWith.currentlyActive', 'Currently Active') : undefined,
detail: entry.detail,
buttons: resourceExt ? [{
label: overrideEntry.label,
description: ? localize('promptOpenWith.currentlyActive', "Currently Active") : undefined,
detail: overrideEntry.detail,
buttons: resource && extname(resource) ? [{
iconClass: Codicon.gear.classNames,
tooltip: localize('promptOpenWith.setDefaultTooltip', "Set as default editor for '{0}' files", resourceExt)
}] : undefined
tooltip: localize('promptOpenWith.setDefaultTooltip', "Set as default editor for '{0}' files", extname(resource))
}] : undefined,

const picker = this.quickInputService.createQuickPick<QuickPickItem>();
picker.items = items;
if (items.length) {
picker.selectedItems = [items[0]];
// Create editor override picker
const editorOverridePicker = this.quickInputService.createQuickPick<EditorOverrideQuickPickItem>();
editorOverridePicker.placeholder = resource ? localize('promptOpenWith.placeHolder', "Select editor for '{0}'", basename(resource)) : localize('promptOpenWith.placeHolderGeneric', "Select editor");
editorOverridePicker.canAcceptInBackground = true;
editorOverridePicker.items = editorOverridePicks;
if (editorOverridePicks.length) {
editorOverridePicker.selectedItems = [editorOverridePicks[0]];
picker.placeholder = localize('promptOpenWith.placeHolder', "Select editor for '{0}'", basename(originalResource));
picker.canAcceptInBackground = true;

let picked: PickedResult | undefined;
try {
picked = await new Promise<PickedResult | undefined>(resolve => {
picker.onDidAccept(e => {
if (picker.selectedItems.length === 1) {
const result: PickedResult = {
item: picker.selectedItems[0],
keyMods: picker.keyMods,
openInBackground: e.inBackground
} else {

picker.onDidTriggerItemButton(e => {
const pick = e.item;
const id =;
resolve({ item: pick, openInBackground: false }); // open the view

// And persist the setting
if (pick && id) {
const newAssociation: EditorAssociation = { editorType: id, filenamePattern: '*' + resourceExt };
const currentAssociations = [...this.configurationService.getValue<EditorsAssociations>(editorsAssociationsSettingId)];

// First try updating existing association
for (let i = 0; i < currentAssociations.length; ++i) {
const existing = currentAssociations[i];
if (existing.filenamePattern === newAssociation.filenamePattern) {
currentAssociations.splice(i, 1, newAssociation);
this.configurationService.updateValue(editorsAssociationsSettingId, currentAssociations);
// Prompt the user to select an override
const picked: EditorOverridePick | undefined = await new Promise<EditorOverridePick | undefined>(resolve => {
editorOverridePicker.onDidAccept(e => {
let result: EditorOverridePick | undefined = undefined;

if (editorOverridePicker.selectedItems.length === 1) {
result = {
item: editorOverridePicker.selectedItems[0],
keyMods: editorOverridePicker.keyMods,
openInBackground: e.inBackground


editorOverridePicker.onDidTriggerItemButton(e => {

// Trigger opening and close picker
resolve({ item: e.item, openInBackground: false });

// Persist setting
if (resource && e.item && {
const newAssociation: EditorAssociation = { editorType:, filenamePattern: `*${extname(resource)}` };
const currentAssociations = [...this.configurationService.getValue<EditorsAssociations>(editorsAssociationsSettingId)];

// Otherwise, create a new one
this.configurationService.updateValue(editorsAssociationsSettingId, currentAssociations);
// First try updating existing association
for (let i = 0; i < currentAssociations.length; ++i) {
const existing = currentAssociations[i];
if (existing.filenamePattern === newAssociation.filenamePattern) {
currentAssociations.splice(i, 1, newAssociation);
this.configurationService.updateValue(editorsAssociationsSettingId, currentAssociations);
// Otherwise, create a new one
this.configurationService.updateValue(editorsAssociationsSettingId, currentAssociations);
} finally {

if (!picked) {
return undefined;;

// Close picker

// If the user picked an override, look at how the picker was
// used (e.g. modifier keys, open in background) and create the
// options and group to use accordingly
if (picked) {

// Figure out target group
let targetGroup: IEditorGroup | undefined;
if (picked.keyMods?.alt || picked.keyMods?.ctrlCmd) {
const direction = preferredSideBySideGroupDirection(this.configurationService);
targetGroup = this.editorGroupService.findGroup({ direction },;
targetGroup = targetGroup ?? this.editorGroupService.addGroup(group, direction);

// Figure out options
const targetOptions: IEditorOptions = {
preserveFocus: picked.openInBackground || options?.preserveFocus,

return [picked.item.overrideHandler, picked.item.overrideEntry, targetOptions, targetGroup];

return openSelectedEditor(picked);
return undefined;

private findTargetGroup(input: IEditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): IEditorGroup {
private findTargetGroup(editor: IEditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): IEditorGroup {
let targetGroup: IEditorGroup | undefined;

// Group: Instance of Group
Expand All @@ -803,7 +824,7 @@ export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl {
// Respect option to reveal an editor if it is already visible in any group
if (options?.revealIfVisible) {
for (const group of groupsByLastActive) {
if (group.isActive(input)) {
if (group.isActive(editor)) {
targetGroup = group;
Expand All @@ -818,12 +839,12 @@ export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl {
let groupWithInputOpened: IEditorGroup | undefined = undefined;

for (const group of groupsByLastActive) {
if (group.isOpened(input)) {
if (group.isOpened(editor)) {
if (!groupWithInputOpened) {
groupWithInputOpened = group;

if (!groupWithInputActive && group.isActive(input)) {
if (!groupWithInputActive && group.isActive(editor)) {
groupWithInputActive = group;
Expand Down

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