A sample iOS app built in Objective-C that uses the MAM SDK and auth with MSAL
This is an iOS app that is built with Objective-C. This app gives an example on how to implement MAM and MSAL in your app.
- MSAL - version 1.1.19
- MAM - version 14.5.0
To run this app:s
- Register Wagr in your Azure portal
- Open Wagr.xcworkspace
- Open the Info.plist file and find 'IntuneMAMSettings' then change the ADALClientId, ADALRedirectUri, and ADALAuthority to your values
- Build the project to your device/simulator
- Run the app!
List of MSAL and MAM features in the source code:
Note: Clicking on a link will take you to the folder/files that contains the listed feature. From there, search the name of the function in the right file to find the SDK/API calls
- Login (#pragma mark MSAL Login - LoginViewController.m)
- Logout (unenrollRequestWithStatus - MAMEnrollmentDelegate.m)
- Handle MSAL Responses (application: - AppDelegate.m) (Note: This app does not use scenes, so only the AppDelegate needs this method. More info: Click here and go to step 3
- Login (#pragma mark MAM Login - LoginViewController.m)
- Logout (#pragma mark Deregister The Account - SettingsViewController.m)
- Create MAM Delegates
- Compliance Delegate (MAMComplianceDelegate.m)
- Enrollment Delegate (MAMEnrollmentDelegate.m)
- Policy Delegate (MAMPolicyDelegate.m)
- Set MAM Delegates (#pragma mark - MAM Delegates - AppDelegate.m)
- Save-To and Open-From (Follow the #pragma mark lines - SaveOpenPolicy.m)
- MAM Diagnostic Console (onMAMDiagnosticConsoleBtnPressed - SettingsViewController.m)
- MAM App Config (mamAppConfig - SettingsViewController.m)
Project inspired by the original Wagr. The original Wagr explored the capabilities of the Intune App Wrapping Tool.