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Use the preview packages

Sébastien Levert edited this page Jul 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

Whenever a bug is fixed, or a new feature is added to the main branch, new preview packages are published automatically to npm. These packages can be used to test out new features before they are available as part of the next release of the toolkit.

All packages are listed in our README page at the root of the repo.

Installing preview packages

To install the latest preview package in your app, run the following command:

npm install @microsoft/mgt@next

Notice the @next added as part of the package name. We use this next tag to make it easy to install the latest version of the toolkit. However, you can also install the packages with their full version. The preview packages are versioned with the next minor version number and have preview.<commit_hash> appended. For example:


If you are using the CDN, you can also append @next (or the @version) to the name of the package in the CDN link to use the preview package

<script src=""></script>

Other preview tags

If you look at some of our packages on npm, you might notice several other tags

NPM tags

Whenever we are working on larger features that might not ship as part of the next release, we will create branches following the next\[feature-name] format. Whenever we merge a PR to these branches, they will automatically create a preview packages based on the branch name. This allows us to test packages with features that might not be ready for the next release.