This repository hosts various config files such as .tmux.conf, .zshrc, .vimrc, etc. The whole motive is to switching between the systems easily without having to match each config one at a time.
I would suggest importing profile as JSON from iTerm2 folder if you want it to be the same.
By default, iTerm2 has really small font size. To configure the fonts and font-size go to
iTerm2 -> Settings -> Profiles -> Default -> Text -> Set font size to 15
I use Powerlevel10k theme so for its compatibility for Mac we need to use MesloLGS NF
(this is installed as part of
if not kick-off p10k configure
command) and for Linux/WSL I prefer
Firacode NF
patched font from
I prefer Dracula+ from
Go to iTerm2 Settings -> Profiles -> Default -> Session -> Status Bar Enabled
Go to iTerm2 Settings -> Profiles -> Default -> Keys -> Configure Command + Backspace to send 0x17 Hexcode