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OpenDSP Wiki

Latest Version 0.11 Changelog

What is OpenDSP?

OpenDSP allows you to turn your Raspberry Pi or PC into a standalone machine for audio, video and general digital signal processing with realtime capabilities for lower latencies.

OpenDSP enables you to emulate many old classic music machines like Yamaha DX7, Moog, Fender Cabinets, Roland Space Echo 201, Spring Reverbs and others.

Programming realtime interactive images, video and audio by using Processing and Puredata in a fully constomizable and automated environment aimed for live artists.

No need for monitor, keyboard or mouse. By making use of MIDI and OSC protocols you can use a lot of different products on the market to control your OpenDSP, from MIDI controllers to OSC programs running on a tablet or celphone.

What OpenDSP is NOT?

OpenDSP does not intent to be a operational system or a linux sub-distro, instead, all the focus is directed to the opendspd, the daemon project that handles all the OpenDSP ecosystem.

But for now OpenDSP is distributed as a tunned archlinux distribution for realtime DSP. On the roadmap we want to port all the ecosystem to Yocto to be able to easier release more different computer architectures images as possible without invest too much time on that task.

PS: only raspberry pi2/pi3 images avaliable for now... keep in touch for more architectures releases.

How dos it works?

The OpenDSP orchestrates all the apps and realtime tunnings needed to gives you a simple and clean way to use you computer for audio and video as a embedded system with MIDI and OSC support.

OpenDSP loads on user request a specific MOD - module. Each MOD contains user projects that can be loaded on demand too.

Each OpenDSP MOD transforms you machine into a DSP unit to handle a specific task. All MODs interfaces via MIDI and OSC.

Examples of MODS:

modular-ingen: generic modular environemnt for audio - like a virtual eurorack.
dsp-processing: programming interactive visual using java environment of processing!
daw-qtracktor: professional mixing and mastering environment for record studios.
tracker-sunvox: powerfull tracker for composing and live electronic music.
djing-mixx: for professional DJ mixing - like traktor.
looper-luppp: realtime 8 tracks performance audio looper.
audio-vlc: MIDI/OSC automated generic audio player.

OpenDSP will automatically load on boot your last used MOD. Just turn it on and use it!

To create and manage specific projects for a MOD you can make use of Virtual Display accessible via HTTP or VNC protocols or make use of Native Display via HDMI, keyboard and mouse. Get more info on Display page.

To use a downloaded MOD just copy the MOD directory into your user data directory /mods/ and load it! Get more info about user data directory on User Data page.

What are MODs?

MODs are modules with one or more apps and connections/states tied together to obtain a common DSP task.

A MOD is organized and contained within the user directory on /mods/, all the meta programming for the MOD and projects used by the user are keep together for the easy share of it across the web and to make it easier for MOD creators and contributors on the community to spread their work.

Getting Started