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Zephyr ~ A Lightweight Neutron Testing System


Zephyr is a lightweight framework for neutron API and backend testing. In its basic operation, it will either create a physical topology or connect to a pre-existing topology (such as one started by devstack, or other tools) then provide access to the virtual topology API to construct a virtual topology directly (i.e. using the Neutron API). Zephyr can then execute any number of situational tests against the created topologies and report the results via text printout and/or JUnit XML.

Design Principles

The design document for Zephyr (up-to-date and public), can be found here.

Please reference that document for charts and design graphics which will supplement the text in this document.

Zephyr was written with the following design principles in mind:

  • Neutron-Based - Limit the Openstack components to the networking API only to keep the installation complexity to a minimum and focus the testing on network functionality.
  • Highly Componentized - Each piece should operate at an interface level so backends and implementations can be swapped out easily. This especially is necessary with the physical and virtual layer interactions.
  • Vendor Agnostic - Zephyr should run using a pluggable physical layer model and a pluggable API to the virtual layer. Any backend vendor should be able to start and configure their software via Zephyr and write tests.
  • Both Customized and Upstream Test Support - Tests written in Zephyr can be generalized to work across a variety of different vendor plugins as well as customized, vendor-specific tests which might be useful for a particular backend implementation. These customized tests can be maintained by the networking-* vendors separate from the tests common to all neutron API plugins.

Zephyr Organization


Zephyr is organized into three main components and two helper components. The main components are:

  • ptm - Physical Topology Manager - Handles setup, teardown, management, modification, and analysis of the physical layer. This is what simulates the "bare iron" in the test environment. It is responsible for direct access to and from the operating system and OS layer applications (i.e. tcpdump, mz, etc.). When it comes to an already existing physical topology (e.g. through devstack, or with a multi-node physical environment), this layer is responsible for connecting to the physical layer and enabling the virtual layer to communicate with the already-existing physical topology (shell commands, managing ports and networks, etc.).
  • vtm - Virtual Topology Manager - Handles access to the virtual topology via an API object. In the default case, this is a Neutron client object, but specific vendor's API clients can be used. There are several helper functions for topology setup and teardown as well as an encapsulation of a simulated VM (VMs can be simulated through IP net namespaces, docker containers, or even be actual VMs created through vagrant, kvm, by nova, etc.), which allows for easy creation, deletion, modification, and access to these nodes.
  • tsm - Test System Manager - Handles the test system, including configuration, startup, runtime, cleanup, recording of tests and their results.

The helper components are:

  • common - Common utilities for all components, including representations of IP addresses, libraries for tcpdump and PCAP-Filter, OS command-line interfaces, etc.
  • cbt - Utilities which are in charge of configuring the system, including installation and version control of vendor-specific packages.


Tests run against a supplied physical topology. Tests also have some control over a) which physical topology features it would be compatible with (for instance, a test which must run VMs on different hypervisors couldn't run on a topology with only one hypervisor), and b) modifying the existing physical topology through the ptm. Tests can also control VMs directly.

Tests are organized into TestCase and TestSuite organizational structures, ala unittest, nose, etc. These are used to organize the order in which the tests run, but do not affect the topology creation or configuration. Each TestCase has one or more test functions. Test suites in Zephyr are logical only, and are used to encapsulate a single TestCase (with 1 or more test functions). An entire test run, from start to finish, will run against a single specified physical topology. To run against multiple topologies, simply re-run the tsm and specify the new topology.

Test and component interactions

Tests use ptm fixtures to affect the physical system before and after tests are executed. For example, the NeutronDatabaseFixture will set up the Neutron database with some default networks and security groups, as well as completely drop the Neutron database and recreate a fresh one from scratch when tests are finished. Needless to say, this behavior is not desired in all cases, so fixtures can be configured and set up to enable or bypass this functionality. Furthermore, this sort of setup should only happen once, so fixtures are put into the ptm to affect the physical system once, after the ptm is started, and once, after the ptm is shutdown.

Aside from this, when it comes to any virtual setup, the tests are responsible for cleaning up and leaving the Neutron database in the same state at which the tests were started from. This is to ensure non-interference with future tests. And as helper functions for normal virtual topology creation events are not provided in Zephyr, this task must be left to the test writer.

Running Zephyr


Configuration of Zephyr is done via JSON files by default (although this is configurable).

ptm Configuration

The ptm is configured via physical topology configuration files (JSON by default). Each ptm implementation will have its own configuration, as the needs of different implementations would likely require different configuration data (for example, an already existing physical topology wouldn't need to have data on what applications and what other hosts to start, only a set of IPs, net namespaces, container names, etc. to connect to).

Sample ptm Configuration

This example configuration file is specific to the PhysicalTopologyManager ptm implementation. Other ptm implementations may use a different configuration schema.

This configuration creates a root host, two zookeeper hosts, two compute nodes, and a network controller. The root host has a Linux bridge created, and each host has several interfaces defined with IP addresses where applicable, which will be wired together in the wired section. This section simulates actually plugging in wires to the interfaces.

The implementation section nails down the abstract topology to the actual Python classes which will be used. This specifies the host classes for each host as well as a list of application classes which will run on the host. Any application-specific parameters are also supplied (like IP address configuration, ID numbers, etc.).

Finally, the host_start_order will dictate the order in which hosts are started using "tiers" of parallel starts. Each "tier" is a list of hosts to start in parallel, and then wait for startup completion before proceeding to the next "tier." In the example above, the root node will start and finish starting up before the zookeeper nodes. The two compute nodes will start in parallel, but both will finish starting and be ready before the network node is started.

Application-specific Config

Applications, backend APIs, and other custom components can all use configuration files as needed. The config directory is available for any other configuration in addition to the ptm config files.

Starting up the physical topology only

The script is responsible for creating and starting the physical topology. This, of course, only makes sense if a configured topology is used. If a pre-existing topology is in place, this script shouldn't be used.

The command options are:

Command Description
--startup Start a PTM based on the config
--shutdown Shutdown the PTM based on the config
--print Print the topology specified in the config (do nothing otherwise)
--features Print the topology features supported and set by PTM
--config-file FILE Specify the topology file to use
-d Turn on debug mode for logging
-h Print out help, including a full list of options

Running a full test suite

The script is used to launch the tsm and run tests. This also will specify the physical topology to use, and will be the main point of entry into Zephyr for the majority of cases.

Command Description Default
-t TESTS Specify the tests to run (see below) None
-n NAME Specify the name of this test run for reporting purposes TIMESTAMP
-c CLIENT Specify the client API to use ('neutron', 'midonet') 'neutron'
-a AUTH Specify authentication scheme to use ('keystone', 'noauth') 'noauth'
--client-args ARGS Specify client params (see below) None
-o Specify the topology config file to use 'config/physical_topologies/2z-3c-2edge.json'
-d Turn on debug mode for logging False
-l Specify the logging directory '/tmp/zephyr/logs'
-r Specify the directory to place any test results (as JUnit XML) '/tmp/zephyr/results'
-h Print out help, including a full list of options N/A

Note on TESTS:

The TESTS parameter to -t should be a comma-delimited list with no spaces. Each test should either be:

  1. A fully qualified name of a Python module (.py/.pyc file - without the extension)
  2. A fully qualified name of a Python class and/or function
  3. A fully qualified name of a Python package

Using (1) will inspect all classes in the module for functions which start with "test" and run each in order.

Using (2) will inspect the given class for functions which start with "test", or (if given) run the specified function.

Using (3) will inspect every Python module file in the package directory and all subdirectories (recursively on down the tree) and run on each module found (ala option (a))

For example:

  • (1) -t tests.neutron.reliability.test_basic_ping
  • (2) -t tests.neutron.reliability.test_basic_ping.TestBasicPing
  • (2) -t tests.neutron.reliability.test_basic_ping.TestBasicPing.test_neutron_api_ping_two_hosts_same_hv
  • (3) -t tests.neutron.reliability
  • (3) -t tests.neutron

Note on Client ARGS

The ARGS parameter to --client-args is used when creating the client in Python. As all clients must have an init constructor with parameters, the arguments to this constructor can be specified here. A couple are set with other arguments (for example -a AUTH sets the auth_strategy parameter to Neutron Client along with auth_url, username, password, and tenant_name from OS_ env vars if "keystone" is used)), but most can be specified and/or overridden here.

This list should be in the form of param=value,param=value,... with commas separating the param/value pairs, and no spaces. If a space is necessary for a parameter, try enclosing the entire ARGS parameter in quotes.

Writing Tests for Zephyr

Test Basics



Each application can have its resources queried and returned via the Host object. Each application specifically defines its own resource list and their types. The types for the applications which are a part of the Zephyr PTM are as follows:

Zookeeper Resource Name | Return Type --------------+-------------------------------- log | zookeeper.log file as a STRING

MidonetAPI Resource Name | Return Type --------------+-------------------------------- log | midonet-api.log or midoent-cluster.log file | as a STRING

Midolman Resource Name | Return Type --------------+-------------------------------- log | midolman.log file as a STRING fwaas_log | if "uuid" is provided as an extra arg, | specific FWaaS log as a STRING | if "uuid" is not provided, map of each FWaaS | log's filename -> contents as a STRING

Test API

Creating a VM

Create a VM with the VTM's create_vm command. This will take the IP address, the desired MAC addres, the set gateway IP, and the name of the VM you wish to start. All but the IP address are optional, and sensible defaults will be chosen if omitted (i.e. the VM's name will be set generically based upon an ever increasing integer).

Another optional parameter is the hv_host option, which allows the user to directly control which compute host will get scheduled with the VM. This is a list (or optionally a single string if only one host is to be specified) of hosts from which to choose to start the compute. At least one of the hosts specified must exist in the underlay. !HOST specifiers may also be used to prohibit a particular host from being considered for the VM. THere are a couple of caveats to keep in mind, however:

  • If the hv_host parameter is omitted, a hypervisor will be chosen from all available hypervisors, based on the hypervisor with the least number of currently running VMs.
  • If the hv_host is specified, but contians only negative specifiers (i.e. only !HOST constructs), the entire list of hypervisors will be considered, with the prohibited hosts ruled out.
  • If even a single positive host is specified (without a leading !), only the specified hosts will be considered.
  • If there are a mix of positive (host) and negative (!host) specifiers, the positive list will be built from the positive specifiers, and the negative specifiers will then preclude specific items from that list. For example: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', '!foo', '!baz'] would wield only 'bar' as a possible choice.

The VM object will be created on the chosen hypervisor and returned to the user. This VM object can then be used to issue commands, perform tasks, and finally, be terminated when it's time for the VM to shutdown.

Improving Zephyr




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