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Data Model (SQL)

Dominik Bucher edited this page Jan 25, 2019 · 3 revisions

For a general description of the data model, please refer to the Data Model page. You can download the complete SQL script here.

The positionfixes table contains all position fixes of all users. They are not only linked to a user, but also to an trip leg or a staypoint.

CREATE TABLE positionfixes
  id bigint NOT NULL,
  user_id bigint NOT NULL,
  tripleg_id bigint,
  staypoint_id bigint,

  tracked_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  latitude double precision NOT NULL,
  longitude double precision NOT NULL,
  elevation double precision,
  accuracy double precision,
  geom geometry(Point,4326),

  CONSTRAINT positionfixes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

The triplegs table contains all trip legs, i.e., journeys that have been taken with a single mode of transport. They are linked to both a user, as well as a trip and if applicable, a public transport case.

  id bigint NOT NULL,
  user_id bigint NOT NULL,
  trip_id bigint,
  cust_movements_id bigint,

  started_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  finished_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  mode_detected character varying,
  mode_validated character varying,
  validated boolean,
  validated_at timestamp without time zone,

  geometry_raw geometry,
  geometry geometry,

  CONSTRAINT triplegs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

The staypoints table contains all stay points, i.e., places, where a user stayed for a certain amount of time. They are linked to both a user, as well as a previous and a next trip. Depending on the purpose and time spent, a staypoint can be an activity, i.e., a meaningful destination of movement.

CREATE TABLE staypoints
  id bigint NOT NULL,
  user_id bigint NOT NULL,

  trip_id bigint,
  prev_trip_id bigint,
  next_trip_id bigint,

  started_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  finished_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  purpose_detected character varying,
  purpose_validated character varying,
  validated boolean,
  validated_at timestamp without time zone,

  place_id bigint,
  geometry_raw geometry,
  geometry geometry,
  activity boolean,

  CONSTRAINT staypoints_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

The trips table contains all trips, i.e., collection of trip legs going from one activity (staypoint with activity==True) to another. They are simply linked to a user. They also have attributes (origin & destination) to link them to a table with place IDs. Further, they can be part of one or more tours.

  id bigint NOT NULL,
  user_id integer NOT NULL,

  started_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  finished_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  origin bigint,
  destination bigint,
  tour_id BIGINT[],

  CONSTRAINT trips_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

The customer movements table contains all customer movements (Schoenfelder and Axhausen 2010), i.e., sequence of trip legs which use only public transport. They are linked to a user and a trip.

CREATE TABLE cust_movements
  id bigint NOT NULL,
  user_id integer NOT NULL,
  trip_id bigint NOT NULL,

  started_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  finished_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  provider varchar,

  CONSTRAINT cust_movements_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

The tours table contains all tours (tours and journeys), i.e., sequence of trips which start and end at the same place (in case of journeys==home). They are linked to a user.

  id bigint NOT NULL,
  user_id integer NOT NULL,

  started_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  finished_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  origin geometry,
  journey bool,

  CONSTRAINT tours_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

The places table contains all places, i.e., somehow created (e.g., from clustering staypoints) meaningful locations.

  id bigint NOT NULL,
  geom geometry,
  user_id BIGINT,
  purpose VARCHAR,
  staypoint_id BIGINT[]
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