This project is the backend of an application skeleton, designed to be reusable. Technical stack is : node js, express, mongodb.
This project run fine with now : For testing purpose you can use a free mongodb there :
Init the project :
git clone
Install global dependencies for production env :
sudo npm install --global forever //
sudo npm install --global forever-monitor //
Download and install app dependencies :
npm install
Build app :
npm run build //prod build. webpack + creation of translation files from .properties to js
npm run build-dev //same that build but for dev environment
Start app :
npm run start
npm run start-dev //run front app in dev env using nodemon instead of forever
Environment :
Set your differents environments in the properties files in env/ directories
Update node version :
sudo npm cache clean -f //(force) clear you npm cache
sudo npm install -g n //install "n" this might take a while
sudo n stable //upgrade to lastest version