This project is an exemple of some technologies we may use at K2 Geospatial
The technology stack is :
- NPM : Dependencies manager
- Webpack : Module bundler
- Gulp : Task manager (for building code)
- TypeScript : Static Typed Object Language / Transpiler from typescript to Javascript
- TSLint : Typescript Code format checker
- Babel : Transpiler from javascript to jsvascript (not used at this time bacause no js file in the project)
- VueJs : Amazing Javascript framework
- VueX : VueJs flux implementation (global datastore)
- Material Icons : Font icon library by Google
To install the project :
- Make sure that you have installed git and npm on your computer
- Open a terminal
- Move to the directory where you want to install this project
- #git clone (will create a jmap folder and copy source inside)
- npm install (will download all project dependencies, can be long > 1 minute)
- npm run build // build the application
Then you can open the file "index.html" in the project root folder.
In browser console, you can :
- Launch the application : #JMapAPI.Application.start()
- Create instances of component, ex a LayerListPanel in the container with DOM id = "layer" : #JMapAPI.Component.LayerListPanel.create("layer") #JMapAPI.Component.JMapLogo.create("logo")