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Miguel Porto edited this page Sep 22, 2022 · 9 revisions

Server installation

  1. Install Tomcat
  2. Install ArangoDB
  3. Create two folders in the webapps folder, e.g. /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps and name them, for example, floraon-folder and floraon-images
  4. Change the owner of these two folders to tomcat:tomcat
  5. Create the file in the Tomcat's webapps folder, e.g. in /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps

At least the following properties are required:

arango.database=<THE DB NAME TO CREATE>

  1. Deploy Flora-On WAR file (e.g. copy ROOT.war to the webapps root and restart tomcat). The new database should be created and set up.

  2. Look for the Flora-On admin password in the Tomcat log. E.g.: grep /var/log/tomcat9/catalina.out -e "Flora-On admin password:"

  3. Go to your-server-name:8080 and login with user admin and the password above

  4. Start by importing the base checklist, as explained here.

The file

This file should be created directly in the Tomcat's webapps folder, e.g. in /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps

Propery Description
arango.database The name of the database to create upon installation
arango.user The name of the DB user
arango.password The password of the DB user
folder The absolute location of the folder to store temporary files
imageFolder The absolute location of the folder to store user uploaded images
contextPath The web root where Flora-On was deployed. Defaults to empty
offline true to not depend on remote resources like fonts
defaultINaturalistProject The name of iNaturalist's project from which to fetch observations
threatsEnumeration One of ThreatsPlants orThreatsInvertebrates
conservationActionEnumeration One of ConservationActionPlants
redListSheetTemplate The template for the assessment sheets. One of flora or invertebrates