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ember-leaflet-google-tile-layer Build Status Ember Observer Score

This addon extends ember-leaflet 2.0. It adds a {{google-tile-layer}} component that displays google tile layers. This uses this leaflet extension to accomplish that. It also automatically adds google maps script to your <head> (see Installation section below).

Note that this approach isn't using google tile layers directly, as that violates google's terms. Instead, it wraps google maps API, and proxies leaflet inputs to it. At any rate, this addon just wraps @shramov's implementation. It has a very reasonable performance, but only use this if you really need Google's tiles.


{{#leaflet-map lat=51.512983 lng=-0.138289 zoom=12}}
  {{google-tile-layer type="ROADMAP" opacity=0.9}}

Allowed types are SATELLITE, ROADMAP, HYBRID and TERRAIN. Only bound property is opacity. Supports onLoad action that corresponds to tilesloaded google maps event.



ember install ember-leaflet-google-tile-layer

Google's javascript library will be automatically referenced inside <head>. To use your API key, specify it in your application configuration in config/environment.js:

var ENV = {
  // ...
  googleLeaflet: {
    apiKey: 'API-KEY-HERE'
  // ...

If for some reason you want to prevent this addon from adding the script tag (e.g another library already does it), just specify:

var ENV = {
  // ...
  googleLeaflet: {
    include: false
  // ...

Content Security Policy

Google Maps uses many resources from Google's servers, so the URLs to them have to be white listed. You can set this by adding to the Content Security Policy defined in config/environment.js like so:

ENV.contentSecurityPolicy = {
  'default-src': "'none'",
  'script-src': "'self' 'unsafe-eval' *",
  'font-src': "'self'",
  'img-src': "'self' data: * *",
  'style-src': "'self' 'unsafe-inline' *"

You can find out more information on the CSP addon page here.


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

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