Score: 8
Teacher: Andres Ortigoza Campos
This repository includes the project created in the subject Compilers, which was taken in the 2021-1 semester at Escuela Superior de Cómputo of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, in Mexico.
(Basically) the topics found in this repository are:
- Create ANF
- Modify AFN
- Print AFN
- Create Special AFN with Normal AFN
- Create AFD
- Add Special Automata From External File
- Add AFD From External File
- Try Lexico Analyzer
- Try Syntactic Analyzer
- Evaluate a Numerical Expression
- Postfix Converter
- Create AFN based on a Regular Expression
- Create LL1
- Implement LL1
( Asies, a pesar de mi gran trabajo en esta materia me puso 8 :) )